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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Well, they f^%$#d up a JD 350D truck while I was gone so that's nice. Got a text message from the new temp super last night about whether he should run the truck today until a gear came in. ?????WtF? Seems someone decided that the air compressor went out and one of the mechanics at the bought-out facility in OKC was sent out since I was gone. While trying to remove a gear from the compressor shaft, he broke one of the teeth off. SO.......I'm being asked if its ok to run like this until the new gear comes in. I have no idea what gear or tooth they are talking about, no pics, no nothing. After a few other questions that I really didn't get much of an answer for...........I told him it wouldn't be a good idea. He replied......."Well, we are going to go ahead and run it. We haven't been able to find a rental and we need it badly. Hopefully it wont f&*k anything else up." Why bother me about it then? An hour later I get the final text saying "If we get the new gear, could you possibly come out and install it? That mechanic is taking forever to do anything." The job is 3.5 hours away.

So, the best I can gather is that the mechanic broke off a tooth and installed the compressor anyway. Now they are questioning whether they should run it until the new gear shows up. I highly doubt the problem is the compressor in the first place. I got tired of texting so I told him I would call him this morning. Now I get to tell him that those guys don't need to be wrenching on the equipment. More details later............


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Well guys, help me out here. I have been asked by management to make an evaluation. What you can't see is the articulation pins and bearings are gone and need replaced. I already know what I will recommend but I want to see what you all think. I have no hours due to the batteries being dead.
544J1.jpg 544J2.jpg 544J3.jpg 544J4.jpg


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2019
knoxville tn
Definitely could make some money on them, working on them or sending them down the road. Sounds like you have enough to do without these jewels.

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
That Deere loader appears to have the frames cracking. I'm looking at the bottom corners and see the lines in the paint that need to be checked out. The water truck looks like most I've been around. They get used occasionally by the newest or lowest paid stooge on the claim and become garbage cans. Loose stuff all over the cab, leaking cabs, components underneath flopping around whenever the truck hits a bump.
Get them running, clean both up a bit and send them down the road if the outfit has the funds to replace them. If not, the decision is made for them. You will either make a little money or a lot of money making them run.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2016
I will never understand the leaving dead equipment laying around like that in pieces, you see plenty at auctions though. If you can't fix it either sell it, get someone who can fix it or keep what parts you want and get rid of the rest. Just leaving it sit in pieces it's worth less every day it sits, it's taking up space, and parts get lost.

Having said that it's pretty common. My dad has a pickup sitting in his driveway for over 4 years now for a minor electrical issue, and doesn't realize the whole truck is now worthless and not worth fixing, it was maybe a $5k truck before 300,000 miles and beat to hell and not looked after but still had some time left. Probably not a part worth removing now except for the flatdeck.


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2018
With record high used equipment prices and however many million borrowed against it I'd think auction would be the way to save some serious headaches for the owners and yourself.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
As to what I can see in the limited photos, is time to cut losses. By the time ALL the Necessary to maintain Productivity and Safe operation repairs get done, the Time down and BEEN down as well repairs costs if can even get required parts, will be well beyond the useful value of those shown machines. Is NO TELLING what will find beyond the visible that will start the actions all over again.

Trade out or Scrap Sell off or auction off as is where is.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
I have recommended that both of those should be terminated so to speak. After looking at values for each and factoring in costs of repair, determined worth after repairs, and overall condition moving forward using them for productive work is not feasible. I am waiting on management to give me the OK to list them for sale. In the meantime, I have been taking care of the breakdowns that are occurring on the jobs but haven't done a thing to anything sitting so far. I'll get to those later on. Still nothing from management about the future and whether they plan on hiring people..........so I guess it's all me for the short term.