Well-Known Member
RSI Guy, I am currently working on an early JLG 40F and it does not have a case drain line from either travel motor. The rotary manifold has the port in the post but it is not threaded for a fitting. Should be easy enough to thread the post and add the line, just take a 1/4" line from both motors, install a T and follow the travel motor lines up to the rotary manifold and tap into the bottom of the post. From the top of the rotary the line T's into one of the existing drain lines on the side of the hyd. tank towards the bottom. One travel motor on this machine also keeps blowing the seals out when they try to use hi drive. This should solve the problem.
Excavator, thanks for the guidance. It sure seems strange, it's been like that for 36 years before it started leaking and why they didn't put one in originally if the schematics all show them???? It's not the first time I found something that isn't like the manuals though.