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Pacific trucks in the logging industy

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Like I said, I hadn't seen his other posts and was only responding about asking if the truck was still for sale. With this other info it does appear to be a scam.
Oct 30, 2022
Los Angeles
Sorry, but probably nobody is going to find you a truck to buy, or parts here. Most info posted here is about sharing, telling, showing and appreciating the gear. The rest is helping people that are passionate about this stuff,and helping with hard to get info they may need. Your approach is real harsh, jumping in and near demanding info to be given to you to serve your immediate want or need. It will be received the same as if someone invited you over for dinner for the first time, and you asked for 'more this' and for 'more that', or that you prefer your meal in a different style. Be a bit appreciative of the years of experience, the wealth of knowledge, and the people who aren't paid a penny to capture and share this gold, that willingly share for free with others. Please don't crawl up and down them shaking their tree to get something for yourself so you can quickly leave and get on with your next pressing thing in life.
Thank you Mr. For your advice I’m owner of 172 trucks , my business style is different than what you think. I was asking for find a trucks for sale only and who’s well to sale will contact me ,


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2011
Aberdeen Wa.
Gyppo tower logger
Thank you Mr. For your advice I’m owner of 172 trucks , my business style is different than what you think. I was asking for find a trucks for sale only and who’s well to sale will contact me ,
Well Alibaba, if you owner of 172 trucks I'm sure you have people who can handle this for ya & don't need some ol rednecks muddlin' up yer binnis with our old beaters.

Hank R

Senior Member
May 28, 2014
Princeton B.C. Canada
Retired Truck driver and School bus driver
Any idea how many P16's were produced each year?

Sorry can not help with that figure but. from 1947 to 1991 . Pacific built 249 P9's , 23 trucks for South Africa, 90 trucks for New Zealand and a total of 2,308 trucks were built. the P310 trucks were the most popular trucks built.