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Largest Caterpillar Sidebooms


New Member
Se dan vueltas sin duda en pendientes muy empinadas para subirlos de frentes los ginchan con bulldozer sino en el ineno de subir solos hace mucha fuerza la rueda cabrilla y hace k se empiecen a amacar y se dan vuelas con pluma y todo

rare ss

Senior Member





Senior Member
Was working on a 594H this week, no power to the drums. The spline on the drive gear powering the PTO case sheared off due to stress cracks.
The gear is discontinued, this is bad news for all the old machined that have been converted to wet decks.
Later Bob

rare ss

Senior Member
If you look at the last pic the camber of the corner is pretty sharp, from what i heard if he took abit more speed around the bend it may have been ok (side boom tractor weight was on the right [or wrong] side too)

trouble with the Drake 4x8 Swingwing and 2x8 dolly compared to their 4x4 full widener and 2x4 dolly is the larger trailer is less stable than the smaller due to the oscilation of the axles (as seen in the pic of the dolly)

the poor Mack got the worse end of the stick the chassis looked like what grows up in far Nth Qld


Active Member
bob/ont if you need that shaft check with jeff huff at huff equipment {585-229-5186** he is a sideboom dismantler i do business with. the the R and T model sidebooms do have rops. we pull them off to move them for height reasons. therefore when you see a pic of them parked in a yard the rops are laying with the boom and the weights. as far as the gent that said they cant roll to the boom side i guarantee that they can. i have had to replace/rebuild a many a boom where the tractor rolled to the boom side and wrapped the boom over the top of the tractor. for the gent that said the high tracks want to stand up on slopes, tell your mechanic to call cat and get the new front and rear idler mounts. they move the idlers out front and rear to give the machine more end to end stability. my two cents gents.