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Senior Member
How deep can you bury a 6t before you start worrying about water and mud contamination? At its worst the Ripper cylinder was submerged . Sat overnight in water while more machine was brought in. Was weird when water was blowing out top of hood vents . Didn't think the fan was under water at the time but...??? It drove out, seems unaffected so far. I should dump the final drives. What about trans?


Senior Member
First thing get all the guards off, including the belly guards, and open up the radiator guards, and give it a good wash.

If the final drives were no lower than they are in that photo I wouldn’t have thought the final drive oil would need changing. Pulling the plugs might tell you more.


Senior Member
If it ain't in the cab, I wouldn't worry about it at all. But that's just me, YMMV.

As Nige says, open her up and wash her out nice. Crack the drain plugs and see if you get any water off the bottom. If oil levels are above full, drain and refill. But then I was raised by loggers so....


Senior Member
drained a few drops from both finals. Looking for water in bottom of compartment. No signs of water at all. Oil was brand new this spring. This sinking was actually day 1 job 1 since new oil. Going to pull some samples and send them in. See what they have to say.
