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tractor pans or scrapers which do you like better


Senior Member
May 2, 2010
Yeah we keep them out of anything with Rock but have worked around COmpanies that have metal tracks on their John Deere and run them in rocky materials and do quite well. Alot of companies are starting to get away from the conventional scraper around the midwest.


Senior Member
May 2, 2010


2 Brand new John Deere they haven't even put into production yet, John Deere let us demo them for awhile.

hvy 1ton

Senior Member
Jul 24, 2006
Lawrence, KS


2 Brand new John Deere they haven't even put into production yet, John Deere let us demo them for awhile.

Talked to a deere rep in vegas about the 1 track in the middle of the booth with a "Coming Soon" or something sign on it. I was nice enough not to mention someone else has been building tracked scraper tractors for a while now. ;) After all, I do consider myself a deere guy. But those C18's do sound swEEEET!:D
Mar 25, 2010
I agree with you on that but you also have to remember the name of the game is "How fast you can get the project done" The longer you take equals more fuel (so your really coming out thje same with fuel), Labor cost, More maintenance, quicker is cheaper. You just gotta figure the application. Tractor and pans is not the end all answer. Then you get into jobs with big deadlines. You start getting fined 2-3k a day and then those 631's start looking good. The company I work for now has tractor and pans and a huge 631 spread so all we gotta do is figure out which Iron is the best for that job and stick it in there. We usually use our Deere to prep for nthe 631's. Get the top soil stripped, haul roads built, and fills nice and hard and then when blow and go with our 631's and use our deere for support tractors in a sense.

I think the argument is being framed all wrong. The debate shouldn't be which system should you always use. You use both, depending on condition. Its pretty simple, actually. If your running anything lighter than moderate rock under a few thousand feet haul, you run the pans every time. Everything else, get out the Cats. What people fail to realize is there are tons of jobs that fall into that pan category. Also, pans have evolved so much over the past 10 or 15 years, those old taboos about having a "farm implement" on a jobsite are really outdated. Companies like Deere and Cat are building a super stout bucket.

Flotation is also becoming a bigger issue as the "green movement" forces its way into construction. Being able to reclaim a mine, for example. The cat will simply compact the ground to the point where it becomes useless for agriculture or green space. There is a huge market for pans. People need to embrace this.
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