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The upcoming generation

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
Talked to one of the apprentices today, he just finished his first week of his first year heavy equipment mechanic apprenticeship schooling. If what he told me is true about the kids in his class, us fellas 30 to retirement age have nothing but job security.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
Nov 30, 2003
Grass Valley, Ca
I have no data, but I suspect more and more young people are into drugs from an early age and dependent. It messes with their brains.

You all know you have to retain scads of information in this business and know where to find it in your laptop when it is raining, cold and dirty. And also follow logical troubleshooting procedure and be able to use a meter and interpret it correctly.

And of course make judgement calls about hard parts as well.

I think that brain ability is lacking these days because the talent pool has fried theirs already.

I never did that stuff and I have a hard enough time with mine as it is.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
North of the 60
Cargo Tanks, ULSD, RUG, Methanol, LPG
Gen z is looking at how expensive housing is and life in general. They save 30k for a down payment and the price rises 100k, meanwhile. They don’t want to have kids, because both sexes have been indoctrinated to believe it only expands the patriarchy and harms the planet. They have given up before even getting started. Just stay in moms basement and smoke weed and play video games, or max out student loans pursuing worthless degrees they will never pay off.


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2017
Will county Illinois
I have had some pretty solid apprentice mechanics come through our shop. There's hope, although it's a slim glimmer, it's there. These kids are taught skills we all take for granted. Phenomenal welders and fabricators. Good stuff to work with. Occasionally you find a thin-skinned snowflake, but for the most part good candidates to carry the torch. My only gripe is with the skills and education, they're also indoctrinating them to be good little Ds and to vote solely on what's good for their pocketbook. No thought on the repercussions of that type of thinking.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Drugs absolutely FUBARS their minds. My in-laws have some members with past drug use/abuse. It’s interesting to me the parts of their brains it affects. Short term memory, problem solving etc. One of them works for/with me. I know his history and shortcomings and assign tasks accordingly. Every now and then he surprises me with what he gets done. Other times he frustrates the $hit out of me! I wish I knew what led them to drugs and their indignant ways.

I often wonder what makes the younger generations think or “feel” that they don’t have to pay their dues like we did. Our parents had it different than theirs. Doesn’t make it bad or good. It is what it is. Figure it out and make the best of it. There’s always a way to get what you want if you’re willing to hustle. I’d give my left arm for a driven mechanically inclined 20 something that wants to learn as bad as I did 25 years ago.


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2017
Will county Illinois
There is a certain amount of talent available that want to use marijuana more than finding a higher paying position with requirements for passing a wiz quiz.

Especially true in Alaska since legalization.
Just another socialist tool to destabilize the future of the country. We haven't "learned" anything. College kids acting like Israel/Hamas is akin to our Viet Nam or Korea. For such an educated bunch, they sure are stupid.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
There is a little more to it than just the possibility of drugs. It started back in the 60's.
My generation----my generation the kings of protesting and the drug culture, they wrote
the book on it. They also wrote the book on debt and the use of plastic. They wrote the
book on computers plus software and spawned the cell phone. They later became yuppies
and started the super consumer phase. They are the ones who wrote the book on modern
greed. They soon learned that fighting big brother was a losing cause, cut off their pony
tail, lost the ty-dyed T shirt, ditched the micro bus, took a bath, bought a suite and a real
car. They did all that and managed to have kids popping out, telling them {just say no to
drugs}. All the while smoking pot in the wee hours of the night, never lost that habit.
Their kids got cars bought for them in high school then it was the thought everyone needs
to go to college. It's where disciplining a kid in school came to an end. Kids under 18
suddenly weren't allowed to work if they wanted to. So they didn't learn the value of a
buck--mom and dad have a money tree. Then add just a touch of social media and Vi-Ola
a generational mess cooking in a pot that was just on simmer--boiled into what is our work
force today. Buy him a phone at 10 years old and ruin his neck from looking down, that
will keep him quiet.
The Greatest generation bought a house, raised a family in that house and died in that
house, then along came boomer son who sold the house to use it as a piggy bank,
and the rest is truly history. There have been many many articles written about this
When the silver tsunami started about 10 years ago, and not just a coincidence the
sales of pot climbed like a tsunami on a shoreline. No this problem started way back,
I was there I saw it develop.
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Senior Member
Nov 7, 2020
General lack of self control as a society, because there’s no need for it. Everything is available on demand. Nothing can be done to change that, it’s a forced change when it’s no longer available. Goes back to the old adage, “Hard times create tough men, tough men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.” Rinse and repeat.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I found it odd when the apprentice said his shop partner didn't know how to read a tape measure. One would think that at some point in the 18-20 years of their life and 2,000 hours of on the job experience they'd have had to utilize a tape measure.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I ran into that a lot when I was teaching at the University.

High school grads who couldn’t use a tape measure without a lesson on fractions.
I don't want to look too deep into it but there are a lot of fatherless homes these days. My old man taught me a ton of practical and useful stuff while growing up. My mom is a very smart woman but I don't think I'd be anywhere near where I am today if I hadn't had the old man there to show me how to be man in this world. We have to work on getting families back together if we want future generations to succeed.
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Tyler d4c

Senior Member
Mar 2, 2016
Salix Pa
I'll be turning 27 this coming Wednesday. Out of the people I know that's with in 5 or so years of me there's maybe 6 that I could trust to repair something I own. All but 1 are older then me. The 2 younger guys at my day job one he's a good hand but he overthinks and gets discouraged. I think he'll work though it im hoping so. The other when he's with me u send him to get pizza for lunch