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Strange buyer's

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Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Do you ever feel like telling someone that's interested in something your selling to either put up or shut? The guy buying the welder wants it but somehow figures I need to accommodate him because he's 4 1/2 hours away. I said for me to drive 2 hours to meet you how about $100 extra. He figured it was too much and said he has to drive 2 1/2 hours. So, I felt like saying if you want it that bad come here and get it or quit wasting my time. I said I'd throw in a 50lb. can of rods. They didn't really cost me anything and aren't rods I'd use much. I said cash is the best way to pay. Oh, this is for my business so I don't know if I can pay with cash, let me ask my wife. I told him I have a business and could add GST to the price. His wife told him cash is fine and just need a receipt with my name and address. Yeah, I can give you a receipt. I feel like I'm going out of my way to accomodate him. He seems a little worried it's not a good machine because I couldn't send a video from my phone longer than 3 seconds. Another case where I'm thinking if you're not sure then don't buy it. I wouldn't offer some lessons with it if it wasn't a good welder. Then he wants it pretty quick on his schedule. Thankfully I've got a retired friend that can go with me in case I have problems with my back or he tries to pull something like trying to pay less than we agreed. I don't know if many other people selling something would be so accommodating. I'd rather deliver it 45 minutes away and give an hour of lessons for $100 or $150 less. Anybody else ever had to deal with a guy like this?

Drag racer

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2022
Do you ever feel like telling someone that's interested in something your selling to either put up or shut? The guy buying the welder wants it but somehow figures I need to accommodate him because he's 4 1/2 hours away. I said for me to drive 2 hours to meet you how about $100 extra. He figured it was too much and said he has to drive 2 1/2 hours. So, I felt like saying if you want it that bad come here and get it or quit wasting my time. I said I'd throw in a 50lb. can of rods. They didn't really cost me anything and aren't rods I'd use much. I said cash is the best way to pay. Oh, this is for my business so I don't know if I can pay with cash, let me ask my wife. I told him I have a business and could add GST to the price. His wife told him cash is fine and just need a receipt with my name and address. Yeah, I can give you a receipt. I feel like I'm going out of my way to accomodate him. He seems a little worried it's not a good machine because I couldn't send a video from my phone longer than 3 seconds. Another case where I'm thinking if you're not sure then don't buy it. I wouldn't offer some lessons with it if it wasn't a good welder. Then he wants it pretty quick on his schedule. Thankfully I've got a retired friend that can go with me in case I have problems with my back or he tries to pull something like trying to pay less than we agreed. I don't know if many other people selling something would be so accommodating. I'd rather deliver it 45 minutes away and give an hour of lessons for $100 or $150 less. Anybody else ever had to deal with a guy like this?
Sometimes I hate trying to sell anything , seems like this type are common waste a lot of your time.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2013
Alberta Canada
I'm a bit of a jackas* when it comes to dealing with people when selling things. If I give a price and location, you come to that location with the cash or no deal. I hate taking time to deal with people who show up and try to haggle the price down. The price is the price, don't waste my time. If its equipment, its already been inspected, and any problems have been fixed or noted and the price reflects needed repairs. Most people are good. The worst are the artsy fartsy types who want to stuff to refurbish. The wood reclaimers are terrible. Last guys who came around ended up watching me lighting the wood they were after on fire.
Personally I'd tell the guy the price is the price and its in my yard, if you want it come and get it. If not don't waste my time.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I certainly wouldn't drive 2 hours away for less than $100. It's good I have someone to go with me. If the guy doesn't want to pay the $1000 he agreed to I'll bring it back home. It's like he thinks he's doing me a favor driving to meet me. I'm going out of my way to accomodate him. Anymore of his cheapness and I'll tell him forget it. If you want it come here and it's $900 cash.

Old Growth

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2019
Id never drive more than 10 miles to meet someone for a big ticket item.

He knows your already into it $100 in time and gas so hes going to dicker ya and offer $200 less or more because he knows you will take instead of driving home with no sale AND a wasted investment of time/drive.

I dont think the guy is even going to show or commit anyways.

He will probably end up buying a chineeeese inverter welder at the last moment and bail on ya, lol!

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Wishful thinking on your part since you figured I'd never sell the welder. Why would he want pics. of the plug and power requirements for his electrician? Why would he drive 2 1/2 hours to take a gamble he could talk me down and drive back home empty handed if I said no? He's out even more time and fuel than I am if he did that. He just doesn't realize I'm going out of my way to accomodate him not the other way around. I'll be talking to him before I go and make it clear $1000 is the price, no negotiation. I'll bring the welder back if he doesn't pay what he agreed to. I don't think that's going to happen. He knows I've got some health and back problems too. Would have to be a real sleeze bag to stiff me.


Senior Member
May 21, 2009
The shore of the illinois river USA
I find it hard to believe anyone would drive very far and go home empty handed.

Old Growth;
Perhaps you wouldn't "drive more than 10 miles to meet someone for a big ticket item"
That doesn't mean anyone else would have the same limitation.
I drove 11 1/2 hours one way to buy a "big ticket item".
I had part of the payment in a cashiers check and $8000.00 cash.


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2020
Yep, just tell them it’s no longer for sale.
I really hate when someone wants to tell you their life’s story or other crap. It’s like they just make up crap or excuse.
Never worth the grief, I wouldn’t drive 10 minutes to sell a 500$ welder.
I did drive an 1 1/2 to pick up a 1000$ Syncrowave 250 with a Miler 2 Coolmate cooler and a nice pedal.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I don't accomodate anybody. They knew damn well where the item was located when they inquired about it. Not my problem, either figure out how to get here or pay up for my time.

Going forward I'm going to start holding people accountable for their offers if they make one sight unseen too. Getting tired of all these idiots out there. I've got no problem telling someone to go pound sand if they're being unreasonable.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
Going forward I'm going to start holding people accountable for their offers if they make one sight unseen too.

I've had to eat this one the hard way a couple times. Looks good in pics and the story sounds good, tell them you'll take it, can't get there for a week to pick it up, and you're afraid someone else is going to snatch it up. Get there, and realize you should have tried to barter it down because it is not at all what you thought, or what the owner described.

Obviously a guy can walk away from a deal, but after driving 3 fckin hours, that isn't always a logical decision.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I've had to eat this one the hard way a couple times. Looks good in pics and the story sounds good, tell them you'll take it, can't get there for a week to pick it up, and you're afraid someone else is going to snatch it up. Get there, and realize you should have tried to barter it down because it is not at all what you thought, or what the owner described.

Obviously a guy can walk away from a deal, but after driving 3 fckin hours, that isn't always a logical decision.
That is true. I try and stick to only looking at things a 1 hour radius from home for the most part.

I've got no issues sending someone additional pictures, video or information on something I'm selling. I'd rather they decide against coming to look at an item before they drive out to look in person. I'm not out to waste someone's time either.

Old Growth

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2019
I find it hard to believe anyone would drive very far and go home empty handed.

Old Growth;
Perhaps you wouldn't "drive more than 10 miles to meet someone for a big ticket item"
That doesn't mean anyone else would have the same limitation.
I drove 11 1/2 hours one way to buy a "big ticket item".
I had part of the payment in a cashiers check and $8000.00 cash.
I’ve driven across this country to BUY stuff.

But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna drive anywhere to deliver an item to someone that sounds wishy washy and give them leverage or trust.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
It's also the case of a bird in hand. It would be a lot easier if someone local bought it, even for a little less money but I have someone who wants it now. A bit of a hassle but I get extra for it and don't have to deal with a bunch of tire kickers or scammers. I can understand the guy wanting to make sure it works good but I'm sure he'll love it if his old welder was an AC buzz box. Some people can be a little odd and he could be wondering if he's making the right decision. Not that it's a wrong decision but it's a bunch of money and he could be really frugal. I've bought things where I'm a little unsure if I need it or just want it. $1000 is a lot of money for some people to buy something without trying it out themselves. If he did I'm sure it would sell itself.
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Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Calls from OH for the KW look to be Bargain Hunters, IOW "What else can you knock off price?" Phone sends unknowns to a answering device only so if no message do not care just delete, any that leave message and over half a state away, I now no longer call back, just not worth the waste of time.

digger doug

Senior Member
Nov 2, 2011
NW Pennsylvania
Thrash-A-Matic designer
I've had a couple of times people wanting to lowball offer on the phone.
I tell them al the same thing.
"If I accept your offer, you come and pay for it, and take it. No backing out, no lower offers."

Never had anyone take me up on it.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I tried to send a video but could only send about 3 seconds at a time. You can hear the smooth arc in 1 of them. He can see the full video when he meets me. I've done everything I possible could to give him piece of mind it's a good welder and it's not $500, it's $1000. For $500 I wouldn't go more than 30 minutes away.
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