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Seriously upsetting

63 caveman

Senior Member
IMHO, I seriously doubt there will be a discontinuance of IC engine power. That ability to grow fuel stocks from organic materials is all too simple, refilling a tractor tank with a biodiesel to return to work almost instantaneously instead of swapping a massive battery pack or awaiting a rapid charge for an hour that may not last long enough to complete a task.
All too many live Out where a battery fed machine is worthless for any real sense of reality and expense beyond means where a smaller IC will provide far longer far more secure.

iIRC Brazil has their own bio fuels refiners and nearly most cars run strictly on Alcohol fuels where trucks on biodiesel.

Boy I like to see good statistics on Brazil. It's my understanding that the government mandates E22 (that changes when in short supply) . Flex fuel vehicles are still the highest % of cars sold there with very few 100% alcohol/ethanol units being sold. I also read somewhere that 100% gasoline is band in that country.


Senior Member
Ev s could have another potential draw back in the big city parking garage aside from fire hazards just because of there weight if it gets to a point that 30 to 40 percent of cars in a garage are ev it could mean structure overload since ev weigh 60 percent or more of an equal size standard car


Senior Member
Well there goes every shop in the U.S..

Everyone on here has posted about their wonderful 6" drive monster impacts that will spin the
nuts off a T Rex. Where is everyone charging and storing those monster Ion batteries-I bet in the shop
service trucks some like'm so much they probably sleep with one under their pillow. One person had
a photo of them all lined up with ones on a charger right next to each other.


The main issue that LiOn tool batteries have is when people buy the knockoff batteries. They don’t have the charge and draw protection that the legitimate OEM batteries do.

One of our mechanics who is quite forgetful ran over his impact with a dozer and the battery burst into flames but it was actually easily extinguished.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
Alcohol fuels will probably always require 15% gasoline for operation in the cold. If it gets cold, the alcohol will not vaporize enough for the spark to ignite and the engine will not start. So they put a little gasoline in it. That is my understanding anyway. Some sort of electric preheat would probably work also.


Senior Member
The main issue that LiOn tool batteries have is when people buy the knockoff batteries. They don’t have the charge and draw protection that the legitimate OEM batteries do.

One of our mechanics who is quite forgetful ran over his impact with a dozer and the battery burst into flames but it was actually easily extinguished.
Yeah. But not with a water type. Water fuels the reaction. Most elements ending in "ium" cesium, magnesium and so on react violently in water.


Senior Member
I remember reading about A55 gasoline or diesel fuel blended with water and emulsifiers.
It was 55% water by weight and supposedly any fuel injected engine could be converted
for very little money to burn it. I remember Caterpillar was involved.


Source: Clean Fuels
The A-55 Technology allows for the emulsification of petroleum products to produce A-55 Clean Fuels, which are water- or oil-phased emulsified fuels that significantly reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and other emissions.
A-55 Additive
The A-55 Technology allows for the emulsification of petroleum products to produce A-55 Clean Fuels, which are water- or oil-phased emulsified fuels that significantly reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and other emissions. The A-55 Technology consists of the following:
A-55 Additive is a proprietary formulation that chemically binds water and petroleum products together in stable emulsions. It combines 20-30% water with heavy fuel oils for use in boilers and large diesel engines, and water with lighter oils such as diesel fuel for use in combustion turbines and smaller diesel engines. The A-55 Additive is composed of naturally occurring surfactants that are benign to the environment.

A-55 Blending Units
A-55 Blending Units combine water, petroleum and the A-55 Additive through a series of pumps, shear units and mixers to create A-55 Clean Fuels. They can be located on-site at a plant or off-site at a refinery or fuel terminal to produce up to 500 barrels of finished fuel per hour.

A-55 Clean Fuels
A-55 Clean Fuels reduce NOx emissions in boilers by 25-70% while significantly lowering particulate emissions and visible soot and smoke. They reduce NOx emissions in combustion turbines by more than 50% and by 20-50% in diesel engines, while also lowering particulate emissions.

Economic Advantages
The ability of the A-55 Technology to emulsify less expensive heavier oils and the ability of the REACH Technology to facilitate combustion of those oils can create cost advantages for users of A-55 Clean Fuels.

Clean Fuels, 5270 Neil Road, Reno, NV 85502-6503. Tel: 775-826-8300; Fax: 775-826-8383.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
If existing gasoline and diesel became uneconomic, the research has been done to use alcohol, propane, digester gas, biodiesel, emulsified fuel, hydrogen, electricity to continue to move things from point A to B.

However, existing fuels are the most economical way at the moment, and these sorts of things change gradually as the pain of status quo becomes too much to bear.

There are still guys running around with 1970s and 80s carbureted V8 gas powered pig trucks here and there. It makes economic sense for their operation for whatever reason.


Senior Member
Already required in this state for new construction, throughout the whole house.
We started that here last year.
Thankfully my house was built last year and not now.
What are they doing for electricity for those pumps as most disasters come with power outages?
Are they doing yearly flow tests and alarm sensors?
Green energies are going to cost us dearly in the future.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
We started that here last year.
Thankfully my house was built last year and not now.
What are they doing for electricity for those pumps as most disasters come with power outages?
Are they doing yearly flow tests and alarm sensors?
Green energies are going to cost us dearly in the future.

Good questions and I think the answer is, pretty much nothing is required because they are private homes. Despite our rural area, we have a pretty strong water district so lots of houses are on district water so no problem there. However there is no requirement for backup power for those on wells.

I am in the backup power business so if people want to be safe they should engage my services I guess.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Water is virtually ineffective in a lithium battery fire as are other traditional fire suppression methods. The batteries feed upon themselves and generate their own heat, they most times have to burn themselves out, about the only thing you can do is protect exposures. I'm hearing some E/V owners are being prohibited by their homeowner insurance companies from parking the vehicles in their garages.
It routinely hits -30 to -35°C where I live. I've seen a few videos of Teslas refusing to charge when battery temperatures are low. If that's a common thing then I don't know how they expect us in the north to use an EV without putting it in heated storage every night during winter.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
It routinely hits -30 to -35°C where I live. I've seen a few videos of Teslas refusing to charge when battery temperatures are low. If that's a common thing then I don't know how they expect us in the north to use an EV without putting it in heated storage every night during winter.

I understood they had heated batteries, or rather water cooled batteries and water cooled motors and they are using the motors in a stalled condition to generate heat, or something like that, to keep the batteries warm enough to charge. I think all lithium batteries are not allowed to be charged below 32F so any EV mfr is going to have to come up with a heating solution if they want to use their products north of the Mason Dixon line and sometimes south of it.


Senior Member
We had this occur year before last. Emergency services were blindsided and had no clear plan to controlling, let alone suppressing a fire of lithium. I've also heard of a scrapyard that had an EV light up. They tried everything , their fire department chose to have them dig a hole and push it in and submerge it in water. It continued to burn . I believe they buried in an effort to suffocate the flames.


Senior Member
IMHO this whole "green energy " thing is the biggest con job ever anyway l look at it. Here in Australia years ago each state had their own electricity generation and grid mostly coal fired. Like you fellas have said that the grid has expanded to cover the country the same has happened here. So South Australia decided to go green and build wind and solar generation which is a failure shutting down their base load coal generation. At times Queensland 3500 klms away is pumping electricity there to keep their lights on using coal. Now Queensland is shutting it's coal fired generation and at times barely has enough power for this state. Meanwhile the greenies spruk the virtues of green energy but are not outraged about the thousands of trees cleared for the establishment of green energy. Hypocrisy huh
Australia has some of the largest sources of uranium in the world but is only allowed to have 3 mines and all uranium is exported. I know of a location that has uranium, water and a nearby existing power grid all close to existing industrial cities. It would be an ideal location for a nuclear power station. Also near there are plenty of worked out mines so there's places to deposit the spent uranium. Mention this to a greenie and they go from passive aggressive to a claymore mine in a blink. More Hypocrisy huh.
In Brisbane in the last 3 months they have been 27 house fires, all directly related to Li batteries with **** loads of toxic fumes going into the atmosphere and nothing much is being done about it. Electric car bursting into flames on motorways jamming traffic for hours, engines running to keep people cool and yet Electric vehicles are environmentally friendly. Even more bloody Hypocrisy huh
And I haven't written anything about the products used to make this green lifestyle happen but one thing is for sure. There's heaps more Hypocrisy huh.


Senior Member
Just saw this, removes all doubts as to my not ever going to CA for anything. Will inspect and fine any vehicle that enters regardless from what state is registered, for emissions.

Have to wonder, when, not if this does not clean up the LA basin, who or what will the CARB blame next?
I was planning on a future vacation visit to CA myself.... Now I'll take my money elsewhere.