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Logging Accidents: And They Walked Away.........


Senior Member
Same thing happen on a 122 i was on a few years back , caught it before it tore right off . Had alot of issues with those light weight booms they are NFG ! Keep your eyes on them or they get ya ..


Senior Member
If it isn't the same one there was a BOP contractor who tipped their 171 over the back of a cat loader in a similar way to your photo Scott S


Senior Member
Must have been grapple yarding without an guyline .Would have been one heck of a ride if it came from the top road.


Senior Member
This happened in Port Hardy no idea when, a friend gave me these pics in camp.. 075 you may know more.Image0027.jpgImage0034.jpgImage0046.jpgImage0047.jpg


Senior Member
That's one I have never seen or heard about.Compared to to the 7220 that poor old Northwest took a beating. Pretty hard to pull it over, over the end of the tracks, must be good story there.