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Business is slow this season


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2017
Sheridan, CO
As for the OP’s thoughts on paying rent to his landlord,This is the main part of my business, so I can offer him my opinion as a landlord.
I have quite a lot of my tenants struggling to pay me through the winter months.Many of them are small mom and pop outfits who don’t have much behind them,but are of sound character.I allways let missed rents build up and the they tend to get themselves squared up with me within a couple of months.I also should point out that I tend to let the commercial and domestic properties cheaper than what they should be.This ensures I have 100% occupancy and it’s also a better the devil you know situation.No landlord wants to evict tennants out unless absolutely necessary.Things can be worked out.As the OP allready said,there’s a lot of belongings that need moving and huge upheaval for both parties.
I suspect his landlord would give grace on the rent.I would suggest offering part payment with a promise to square it at the earliest possible moment.However,I would not recommend you asking for a rent reduction.I would serve notice if that was the case.
Best of luck with it all,and remember this……..if you’re a year or two of feeling the downturn,then you’re allready a year or two closer to coming out the other side of it.
I bet he would, if I asked. He's a total c$%t, but can be reasoned with.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2017
Sheridan, CO
Inflation is over 8%. 5% will not cover it. You need to be well north of 8% because otherwise you are getting cheaper or staying the same. And you always need to be advancing your business.

I agree that customers will not necessarily leave. First, who will they go to? Any outfit that has their own jobs lined up will be more concerned with getting fixed quickly and efficiently than the bottom line on the invoice, so they can get back to making money for themselves at 10x the rate you cost them for some repair.
All good points!

nicky 68a

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
Nicky what type of properties do you have? Generally speaking of course.

Retail, apartments, industrial?
I have a small portfolio of commercial and domestic properties.Some I deal directly with the tennants,but I have an agent dealing with the domestic tennants.Its best not to get emotionaly involved with people that live in houses you rent to them.
The D8’s are what I have referred to as a profitable/diabolical side business,depending how they are behaving.It keeps me with a thirst for life and beer and in contact with my father and the likes of all the fitters etc.I consider all these men in this industry to be of the finest breed or real men.
The types of associates I deal with in my other little businesses are not to my taste so to speak.I’m allways suspicious of men with spotlessly clean hands lol:D


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
I have a small portfolio of commercial and domestic properties.Some I deal directly with the tennants,but I have an agent dealing with the domestic tennants.Its best not to get emotionaly involved with people that live in houses you rent to them.
The D8’s are what I have referred to as a profitable/diabolical side business,depending how they are behaving.It keeps me with a thirst for life and beer and in contact with my father and the likes of all the fitters etc.I consider all these men in this industry to be of the finest breed or real men.
The types of associates I deal with in my other little businesses are not to my taste so to speak.I’m allways suspicious of men with spotlessly clean hands lol:D
" Looks at smashed nail that will never grow back right on one hand, and that finger that slightly pointy from being snipped off by the tailgate"
We could probably have a pint next time I get over there ;)


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2018
Your six
Customize your logo for starters as others say, and add some pictures of your work. Who am I to speak I haven't gotten over 1 customer yet :p

Mike L

Senior Member
Dec 1, 2010
Self employed field mechanic
Bravo if you don't need a website to keep busy.
I don’t have a website. Never have. I’ve thought of it but I always figured that word of mouth was the best advertisement. I’m not saying it to brag, I just never thought people would go looking for a field mechanic by way of internet. on second thought, I do have a google business page and a LinkedIn account but I never do anything with them. Does that count?


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
A partial payment is along the same lines as asking if you could get a reduced rate in slow month's. My sister told her landlord she couldn't pay for 1 month during covid and the landlord agreed. Maybe reluctantly but my sister was a long term tenant and always paid on time. She couldn't be open for a while during covid and had to lay off most of her staff. In doing so had to pay $30,000 into unemployment. That's a good chunk of money when you have nothing coming in for several month's.
I was doing an eviction once. The judge here told me when I took a partial payment I effectively changed our contract. I will never do it again.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2010
Farmington IL
FAA Radar Engineer, (Retired)
I don’t have a website. Never have. I’ve thought of it but I always figured that word of mouth was the best advertisement. I’m not saying it to brag, I just never thought people would go looking for a field mechanic by way of internet. on second thought, I do have a google business page and a LinkedIn account but I never do anything with them. Does that count?
I never did any of that and I stay busy with a waiting list. Of course I'm not basing my livelihood from my shop, but it could be a full time profession if chosen.

Just do good work at a fair price and the rest kinda takes care of itself.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
Nov 30, 2003
Grass Valley, Ca
I don’t have a website. Never have. I’ve thought of it but I always figured that word of mouth was the best advertisement. I’m not saying it to brag, I just never thought people would go looking for a field mechanic by way of internet. on second thought, I do have a google business page and a LinkedIn account but I never do anything with them. Does that count?
I have a web site but a web site alone is obsolete. In order to find your web site, the customer needs to get there from a search engine. And search engines are all filled with advertisements in the first page. So they will never find you among the noise. It used to work but not any more. Now the purpose of the web site is to provide a place for the customer to go after they have clicked on your ad. You have to pay to get ads on Google to get people to your web site. And it is not a DIY project. You have to hire somebody to manage it all. And it is always changing.

So have a professional web site. But without extra effort, nobody will find it. Put it on your business cards. They will find it that way.


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
Self employed Heavy duty mechanic
I have never seen a real connection between web sites and heavy equipment contractors who need work done. Half of my best customers don’t even know how to text! They will ring the phone repeatedly then get one of their young guys to send a text.
I get a lot of “how come you never answer your phone” I tell them when I’m working the phone sits in the truck. Just text and I’ll get back to you next time I stop for a break.

Remember the days gone by when we would head out on a job for the day and never talk to anyone until we got home. The world could be ending and we were oblivious.
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