Welder Dave
Senior Member
How does the Prius mileage compare to the plane?
I built my water tank roof in the shop, including putting the tin on, then I thought, why not the ridge cap too? Some slits for 3 lifting tabs to stick up thru, a little leak won't matter as it's just to keep the sun off. Rolled it outside, used a chain fall to get the right length on the center rigging point, and after finding my helper was out of town was able to set it into place with just 3 or 4 jump offs. Got the walls all closed in now, using oil field pipe again for that, and salvaged tin siding, and have been pumping 4000 + GPD of water using solar, from a spring 1/2 mile away and about 270' higher, then all gravity flow from the tank.A day off, after a very busy week, including one 14 hr day, counting the driving. Then I had to be at a job the next morning at 6, and it was 2 hrs away. So, for a break I set some iron with the Kubota at home, using a jury rigged stinger lashed to the forks.
A LONG RV storage build, we finally got to the truss we were all waiting for, the gable. 5 trips out for me, the carpenters sheeted it in sections as we went, smart.
Where's the pics. of her? The plane looks pretty neat but nobody cares about the house. We want to see the cute girl who keeps the guys inline at the scrap yard. She'd probably kick all of our a$$es.