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Tyre Drama


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Loaded heavy that’s a spooky experience. I’ve blown a few tires over the years. I rode with one of my guys to help him load a machine he was a little scared of. On the way back to the shop we blew a 425 steer tire. Ol Danny was a jumpy feller to begin with. Had he not been wearing a seatbelt I believe he’d have jumped out the window when it let go! Thankfully it didn’t do near as much damage.


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2014
SE Queensland
I had a steer tyre let go the other day as well .
It was only a single drive body truck but I had a load of cattle on, so lets just say I didn't enjoy the experience.
A bit less damage than your mate, but still done a mudguard, indicator ,etc.
The fun part was getting the jack under the axle in the dirt with the cattle bouncing all over the place.
Was having so much fun I forgot to get photos.