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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
80% of CPS cases are dismissed

John Hopkins just got a judgement last week of $211 million for trying to take away a kid. They also filed sa charges from that case last Friday. John Hopkins also has another civil suit coming up about a baby they tried to take away as well.
Lawsuit. That's f'n cute. Try to take my kid, or I would assume anyone else's on here. Lawyers and judges would have precious little to do with the end result.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I know now somebody who's daughter had a stroke at 23 and a Dr. said she was a meth head and drug addict! She was an honor student and on the university deans list. It turns out she had a rare condition that made her more susceptible to strokes and the covid vaccine may have been a contributing factor. Regardless, it's probably a good thing the Dr. said it to the girls mom and her dad wasn't there. The Dr. may have been the one needing a Dr. Like another guy said, "If a Dr. said that about my kid I probably get arrested for assault but it would be worth it."


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2011
The South
I know now somebody who's daughter had a stroke at 23 and a Dr. said she was a meth head and drug addict! She was an honor student and on the university deans list. It turns out she had a rare condition that made her more susceptible to strokes and the covid vaccine may have been a contributing factor. Regardless, it's probably a good thing the Dr. said it to the girls mom and her dad wasn't there. The Dr. may have been the one needing a Dr. Like another guy said, "If a Dr. said that about my kid I probably get arrested for assault but it would be worth it."

friend had to go to local crappy hospital because of COVID almost killing him

Doc told him and his wife “oh we have a drug that will help him immediately but we aren’t going to give it to him”

If my wife had been that sick and knocking on death’s door like he was and a doctor said that to me we’d be having a wall to wall “medical discussion”


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Been worked on by the Classic Veterinarian's and Duck walking Quacks over my few decades of need, know them as see them anymore and walk WELL AWAY from interactions with them. Vets essentially destroyed my Lumbar spine with antique theories on treating, Quacks make comments I can readily see thru as when My Wife's choice for backaches Chiro tries to persuade her into Holistic Meds. Not met a Bone Cracker yet that was not creating MORE Damage than relief.

Wife and I had "The Talk" speech a few weeks ago, as to removal of TV from Upstairs, NO Couch in front of Downstairs, no more buying Good Foods to see them rot as she prefers Crap or Junk Foods. Doc once explained, if comes in a bag or box throw it away or do not buy unless is basic bulk as flour or oats. Wife cannot break the sugar cycle nor can she see past "I am Doin Laundry" while sitting On her butt On the Couch watching TV as the machine runs while munching 'Better for you Pretzels' as a counter to tater chips. She cried, said needs to do some serious efforts to change, proceeded to go in and watch the repeats of last weeks repeat Jeopardy shows followed by 15 year old repeat crime drama shows she is addicted to..

I had a Doc visit yesterday, essentially my annual visit, blood draw, flu shot, bp back down to 132/78, pulse at 58, temp at 97.6(My Normal), 260lbs fully dressed with a coat on which is 12lb less than a month ago. Hands and feet ice cubes but have great pulse indications so blood flow is there.
Wife was pizzy over the weight loss and the general positives from the visit. She gained what I lost and has had a increase in BP/cholesterol meds dosages trying to correct.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I have a few horror stories from hospitals and some where they treated me well. When I was moved into the cancer institute it was like going into the Ritz Carlton. All the people there really cared about you and would do what ever you asked without complaint and were happy to do it. Even things like bringing some ice chips at all hours of the day and night. I couldn't have asked for better care.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
On this same topic involving Dr's. I'm dealing with something right now and my health is in the balance. My oncologist faxed a message to my urologist regarding suspending a trial drug I'm on in order to bring my levels up to where I could have surgery to repair my bladder so I won't have to self catheter. The drug is working as my cancer is in full remission but I have been off of it. It's been at least a month and no response at all from the urologist. I called and talked to his assistant who transfered me to a nurse who could "apparently explain it better". Of course I could only leave a message. What's to explain? The very least they should have done is respond to the fax and let my oncologist and myself know what's going on. If the surgery can't be done let me and I'll go back on the medication. I'd much rather have to use a catheter and be in remission than have the cancer come back waiting for a response. There's no excuse for it!


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
On this same topic involving Dr's. I'm dealing with something right now and my health is in the balance. My oncologist faxed a message to my urologist regarding suspending a trial drug I'm on in order to bring my levels up to where I could have surgery to repair my bladder so I won't have to self catheter. The drug is working as my cancer is in full remission but I have been off of it. It's been at least a month and no response at all from the urologist. I called and talked to his assistant who transfered me to a nurse who could "apparently explain it better". Of course I could only leave a message. What's to explain? The very least they should have done is respond to the fax and let my oncologist and myself know what's going on. If the surgery can't be done let me and I'll go back on the medication. I'd much rather have to use a catheter and be in remission than have the cancer come back waiting for a response. There's no excuse for it!
Have to agree, DR's are practicing

Wife's Mother died of ovarian cancer at 87. She was in pain for some time and going to a oncologist regularly. Even asked the DR if it might be her ovaries and he said no, those things are dried up. About 3 years later in the emergency room they found the cancer.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
My cancer Dr. is fabulous. The urologist is very odd and can be really condescending when talking to him. He acts like we're (my other half and me) just supposed to know everything. You're the specialist. If you can't or don't want to do the surgery fine, just let me know and I'll go back on the meds. It's very unprofessional not to respond to another Dr. over a pretty simple but important health issue concerning a patient.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Update* Well, not much is happening out of the ordinary with work. Wife just had knee replacement surgery this last Wednesday and I am home with her and her parents for a while. We planned this months ahead of time knowing this is usually a slow time of year for me............and its proved right.

I'll be back at it fully after the holidays. I'm on emergency call only til then.

Stay tuned, I'm sure more bs is coming lol.