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Starting to get hand/joint pain

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
If you are lucky enough to have carpal tunnel syndrome, the fix isn't a big deal. Some surgeons do it with only a local anesthetic.
I had two hands done ten years apart. One surgeon did it with me watching. I ignored his after surgery instructions, lost feeling in the middle three fingers 5 months. Never figured out if it was my fault, or if he screwed up.
Next round was a different surgeon. She did it under full anesthetic. I followed her instructions & was recovered in about a week.

The process is an incision, and slipping blunt nosed scissors into the wrist. The ligament on palm side gets cut part way through allowing bone to spread. It makes more room for nerves, blood vessels, and tendons in their tubes. The actual surgery takes about ten minutes.

In the interim, there are stretching exercises might help, or cortisone is a temporary fix.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2016
I don't get hand pain when running hoe's, but I do get shoulder pain, I find ripping frost is the worst for it. I get bad hand pain swinging a hammer, or using my fingers a lot for certain things, the hand pain started after shoulder injury pretty sure it's all related. Odd part is, I can be on the end of a shovel for quite a while and usually no shoulder pain at all.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
West TN
eatin' trees, poopin' chips
I run one machine 80% or more of the time. My left hand, travel function, has been giving me much grief this year, especially the thumb. I kept thinking that I must have wrenched it back or something else. Maybe it is the shift wheel. I've been trying a wrist/thumb brace which help somewhat but is not the answer. The brace helps keep the thumb from moving out of place and provides compression. Doctor said arthritis - I say Bayer or equivalent.

Trying some time off right now but lifting G&T's can be strenuous while laid back. Stupid thumb still hurts. CBD rub does little but if I am having a bad day, Wood Lock Oil usually calms things down for a few hours at a time. Wong Tu Yick brand is what I purchase, usually through Ebay. My 1st wife (Chinese/Thai) turned me on to that stuff. Most Asian markets sell it. Think of liquid aspirin for your joints and aches. I keep a bottle in every truck and on my road pack. For me, it works and it works well most of the time but not always. A $10-$15 dollar bottle that lasts for months is cheaper than any doctor's office.

Pain is just part of life and it let's us know we are still in the fight. When I can no longer stand the pain, surgery is the next option but only when absolutely required. It was the right choice for the bone spurs on my big toes when nothing else helped and it got beyond toleration. Meanwhile, as my orthopedic surgeon told me, "You can take as much aspirin as you want to but if your ears start ringing, back off on the dosage a bit." Thanks, Doc, but three at a time works well for me and anything less is useless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2017
Southeast Iowa
Farmer with a job in town
Take a look at this. Kinda expensive but helped my wife. Also look up kinesiology tape. What it does is , it opens your hand up a little bit and allows a little more blood flow thru to you hands.


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Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I had a nurse tell me today when getting my chemo shot that the numbness and falling asleep of my hands/arms could be a side effect of the chemo shots. This morning my right hand was really asleep but both have had some numbness all day.