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Small weld fab table


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2010
oceano california
general contractor
This table [started by the helper] began with a scrap piece of 2" pipe, and I 'donated' the plasma cut 1/2" plate from the steel supply. Size is approx 24" by 36". The top is bolted on due to not wanting to warp it from welding as it was pretty straight as purchased.
The cross bars are for a pallet jack and also work nicely to rest one's leg.

table w vice.jpgimage0.jpegimage1.jpegimage4.jpeg

The 'trick' idea are the feet which are fitted to the bottom of the leg with a one inch allthread that is greased and threaded into a welded 1" heavy hex nut, another hh nut is welded on the feet for those days where a channel lock is needed for fouled thread and also some square stock to which the name was assigned: kickaboot to adjust. This feature was "prescribed spec'd and invented" by the helper who is tasked with assuring that a table is level setup prior to plumbing with a torpedo etc. Got the plasma 'cookies' for the feet sized to make sure they were beyond the table edge to minimise overturning.

After completion, he scored the vice from the old one ton flatbed in the yard.

Probably next will be a shelf (some suggestions received indicate expanded metal). Likely the number ten SOOW cord extension cord with the heavy duty 4S box so called four in one outlets - to be temp located there.
Shelf for tools grinders clamps allow grinders etc to rest.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Looks good. The top could be welded on if you just did short stitch welds maybe 1 1/2" at a time apart from each other. The adjustable leveling feet are a great addition.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
I built a stand for a vice and put a small table off to one side of it . I am thinking about putting a railing around the edge of the table because using the vise causes everything on the table to end up in the floor.