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road rage


Active Member
Nov 19, 2013
dunsieth nd
truck driver mechanic machine operator
so does any one ever get just pissed while at others while they are driving I do there is always that one guy going 55 steady on a single lane road a road with many hills and not many chances to atleast pass. Its like a 4500 puond car is holding up a line of trucks a mile long and when ya get the chance the (explitive) tromps it and wants to race this happens to me ALMOST DAILY as I travel the same route over and over the limit is 65 for 50 miles with continuous hills and curves unsafe for passing in a long commercial vehicle. but the highway patrol in this state is after trucks and not the guy holding up progress. I haul two tall rolloff containers one on a truck one on a trailer they are top heavy and cut wind like a brick then im on the divided highway I stay on the left so other trucks that are moving faster can pass without a lane change if I don't notice one and they pass when its clear for them I flash the lights I stop short of a stop sign if there is a truck turning so they don't have to take a wide turn and they always wave. I don't tailgate I give space if others are turning off or stopping I use my dims most of the time and be as safe as I can to avoid accidents and hurting any one while im in control of a cmv. so why does a liverspotted old man in a buick park avenue well into his seventies get to hold up traffic for miles and its legal but I can get stopped and fined up the whazoo for an abs light being on in the dash or have my license pulled by the state for some bs reason. Is that fair im not sure but I think there should be a move it or loose it law imposed nation wide. just saying:D


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2009
No.... I don't let it bother me abit. Sounds like your doing everything possible driving defensive pumba. Hey..... hopefully someday we all age gracefully and are able to retire & hop in the Buick for a drive.;) Live and let Live. It can be frustrating at times:D


Senior Member
Feb 2, 2009
Wow, I know this isn't going to come out right but here goes anyhow, in my state and every state I've ever been in with the exceptions of interstates, its not illegal nor ever has been to not drive up to the limit, I think it was stated in every case I've been around to drive "within" you abilities, not some nut behind another wheel and according to their capabilities.

I drive and haul heavy and wide load quite a bit, and its not only near impossible to get to the limit, in most places and cases I have to be under the limit to do things safely and have stopping room and ability to maneuver through traffic and driveways I have to go, I'm not long haul, just my equipment short trips to the next job site, in my state and area depending on what I haul, its stated on my permits what the maximum speed is I'm allowed to drive, now that said, I also know some grey haired people who have limits on their license's they can drive and distance's they can go, not someone else's limit and criteria of the posted limits, not saying that's case your dealing with but I know of dozens that have this stipulation in my area and I do respect them for it, they've done their time on this earth, paid their taxes, worked their jobs, and have literally paved the road for me that I travel in more ways than one and if I can't handle them driving slow, it might be time to step out from behind the wheel myself and park it permanently and let some other adult do my job for me, same goes for others, just saying.

As for move it or lose it, I've got one better for you, how about cool it or lose it and learn patience and respect for your elders, your job will be there tomorrow, they might be here tomorrow and will no longer be your problem, and oh yea welcome to the forum and beware, we're starting to slow down in life, have patience with us, but some of us have been around a long time and have experience to offer instead of speed.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
NW Missouri
Pumba ,

I had a %#@%& guy cut me off in traffic many moons ago , Had to hit the brakes just before a hill . Old truck grunted and groaned to keep up speed but after a few minutes I caught the guy in a mid sized car . I had full intentions of giving him a love tap to remind him that I was not happy with his dipstick driving .

Then something caught my eye .... I saw a small hand waving above the car seat thru the back window ...... I froze for a second . From that point on I haven't tried pushing or chasing one down . Still get pissed but not to the point of doing something that will get someone hurt .

My best guess is someone driving slow as you say might add 10 minutes to your trip . In the big scheme of things that's half a pepsi break .

Double your space between you and the next guy and give yourself some time to see something beside the bumper in front of you . We both know traffic laws will never be changed to help us . Just slowdown in the bad spots . When someone see's your driving record it will never show on time delivery's
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Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
Its hard to keep your cool all the time. The newist truck i own is a 1970 and i dont drive fast. Alot of people see me comeing and think they can make it because its a old slow truck but i wish the would allso think it maybe the brakes are old and slow i keep my brakes in good shap and check and adjust them regularly. People take to many chances what if there car died when pulling out in front of me what if i had a bad day and didnt want to test my brakes.


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2005
Sure wish my pet peeve was people in front of me going 55. Around here, and this happens pretty much every day, sometimes a couple of times a day, a car will either pull right out in front of a truck (usually runs a stop sign to do it) or passes you (usually in a no-passing zone) and then turns left at the next side road (usually has to stop for oncoming traffic). If I had a missile rack under my front bumper there are days that I'd have to go home at lunch to reload it.


Active Member
Nov 19, 2013
dunsieth nd
truck driver mechanic machine operator
ohh I keep my cool and don't do nothing crazy or any thing to put any one in danger I just drive as I should and deal with it I just follow along and complain about it to myself I know the danger of impatience but where im located its so desolate and middle of nowhere it just makes no sense to go 55 there is no scenery what so ever to enjoy maybe a tree or a grain bin now and then and it don't help im always on a deadline to do my part to keep garbage trucks unloaded and moving its peacefull on the highways you should see driving a garbage truck in this town no one knows how to drive I swear never a blinker they never dim the lights crazy lane changes middle fingers my god I guess an old dude cruising along at 55 aint that bad compared to garbage truckin in town. is there any garbage truck drivers here

Truck 505

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2009
Fairfield, OH
ohh I keep my cool and don't do nothing crazy or any thing to put any one in danger I just drive as I should and deal with it I just follow along and complain about it to myself I know the danger of impatience but where im located its so desolate and middle of nowhere it just makes no sense to go 55 there is no scenery what so ever to enjoy maybe a tree or a grain bin now and then and it don't help im always on a deadline to do my part to keep garbage trucks unloaded and moving its peacefull on the highways you should see driving a garbage truck in this town no one knows how to drive I swear never a blinker they never dim the lights crazy lane changes middle fingers my god I guess an old dude cruising along at 55 aint that bad compared to garbage truckin in town. is there any garbage truck drivers here

I deal with the same thing everyday also, but what irritates me more than bad drivers is the lack of punctuation. I hate trying to figure out where a sentence starts and stops.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2013
Florence, SC
Site Contractor
I have six tri-axle dump trucks and two road tractors pulling lowboys or dump trailers. Also have 10 other work trucks pulling trailers, arrow boards, welders, or whatever. My direction to the guys is, treat every vehicle around you as if your family is driving them. Be safe, not slow, but careful. I occasionally still drive anything we have (Class A CDL), and know there are plenty of idiots on the road. I just don't want them in my trucks. I have parked drivers in my trucks before and sent them walking down the road to their next employment opportunity.

Raildudes dad

Senior Member
Dec 29, 2007
Grand Rapids MI
I usually am pushing 75+ on the freeway in my car - "in a hurry". But when I'm behind the wheel of my 87 Ford LTL9000 I find my self very content to do the MI speed limit of 60. In the 2 lanes I'm to content to run 55 or a tad under especially if it's congested. I'm real content to just take my time even if I'm being pushed for time. The old truck is a hobby for me, I suppose it might be different if it was my day job.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2010
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
You can't do anything about bad driving except for your own, so don't lower yourself to their level by being aggressive. I know it's hard sometimes to keep cool but I am doing much better lately, I realise the only person I am hurting by letting myself get stressed is me.


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
This happens to me all the time, even in my pickup. Traveling down a two lane road, car in front of me and we are all somewhat equally spaced going the same speed. Enter car wanting to to turn onto the road from a side road. The car turning will wait until the car passes and then pull out in front of me. All I can do is slam on the brakes.

If baffles me that the majority of drivers will pick the biggest vehicle to pull out in front of, regardless of the speed of traffic.:confused:


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
middle TN
55mph on hilly windy roads, and your getting upset, you must be heck on a job site? I understand getting mad at bad drivers but not at someone doing a continuous 55, plus didn't you say your pulling a funky load, what's your need to go 75 around corners and hills? Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post? Being an ex tractor trailer driver and visiting all lower 48 states I can give MUCH better reasons to be upset while chugging down the highway. Pumba, I'm probably misunderstanding your beef, but I wish someone doing 55mph was our biggest problem around here, we'd have to rename the area Pleasantville :)

Life is waaaaay to short for misguided anger.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
middle TN
I can give a perfect example of myself getting upset(not angry though). Tailgaters gotta love em . For some dang reason folks love the back of my truck, sad part it's the perfect height to take their heads off if there is a sudden stop/situation. I FIRMLY believe in A SAFE following distance; 1 time while cruising along at about 60, going with the flow, popped over a hill and BINGO, it's a funeral and of course folks are turning through our lane to get into the cemetery. No problem for me and the folks ahead, but all I can hear is squealing tires. I look in the mirror and here goes 2 cars, one goes off to the right into the cemetery and the other goes too the left into the other lane. They(both young women drivers) were both following way to close and to busy doing other things instead of driving. I did not get mad, but instead my heart sank, all I could think about was how bad it would have been if they'd creamed the back of my truck! They BOTH had a lucky day, and I hope they learned something, sad part is, in the world of "ME" I'm sure they blamed everything except reality.