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New Member
May 16, 2016
Rocklin, California
Hi eveyone,
I am new to the forum, however have frequented the site. I wanted to introduce myself, I am fairly new to the construction industry. I worked for 5 years for a small heavy civil company in the bay area of California, that did grading, paving and underground. I started as a laborer and was fortunate enough to get a lot of time operatong equipment. I by no means would consider myself an operator however The compony I worked for was awesome in the fact that i got a lot of seat time for big jobs. my experience varied from sometimes shoveling all day to somedays running my own crew, just depended on the day and the job. I love the industry and dont see myself making a career change. I do college degree in psychology haha so basucally I work to pay off my useless degree. however psychology has helped a lot in dealing with some of the mental nutcases ive been fortunate enough to call friends and co workers :D So that is a little bit of my backround, however on the more recent I am in need of some advice.

So I worked for that company for five years, and got a wide variety of experiences in pipe fitting grade setting and checking as well as operating equipment for grading and underground purposes. However, the company I worked for was ran by an absolute maniac. He would go balistic on guys on a daily basis. He was an owner operator and EXTREMELY smart however a know it all. Would cuss out generals, inspectors, his own guys on a weekly if not daily basis. He really liked me a lot and taught me a lot but payed me pennies for all the work I was doing. I was good friends with his children and him so they liked me a lot, but always teased me and joked with me saying im worthless which scared me out of ever asking for a raise. haha I finally had enough and decided to move up to sacramento area, where I found a job with big company as an operator. I explained to them my experience and they seemed to like me. however because all I know is working for that one company I am extremely nervous about starting my new job, mostly because I only know what I know from my old job and I dont even know if that is a lot or not. :cool2 haha I told my new job, which I start next week that I feel more comfortable starting at a lower wage so I can have more leyway in the beginning. Basically what Im saying is what should I expect? are all companies going to be as intense as my last job? are most companies as fear based? what should my attitude be when showing up? I plan on going strait to the forman and explaining that I am hear to learn and for him to feel free to tell me when I mess up or am doing something wrong. Any advice would be great! look forward to being apart of this community.

Wayne Duff

Apr 2, 2016
It sounds like you have the right attitude it is music to any formans ears what you say and a good boss never wants to lose a keen worker . A keen worker will always keep there job even over someone who has more experience with a bad attitude just turn up 5-10 minutes early and don't be scared to work back 5-10 minutes late this will show that you are keen and fair

Todd v.

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2015
Look, every job and every company is run different but the one you want to settle into is the one that sees the value in people. If younare a good worker you should be treated with the respect you deserve and they should acknowledge your value in paying you accordingly. If this isn't the job, hang for a bit and learn whatever you can from them while you are there and move on.

I too get a bit nervous when starting a new job, but it always seems to be unwarrented and if anything it makes you more likely to make mistakes. So just try and put it out of your mind and do your thing. One thing to keep in mind, and given your attitude you are probably at the top of the heap as far as new hires go, is that most people aren't good workers. :)


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2012
Moose Lake, MN
Retired Cons't. Supt./Hospitals
The first 2 years of my 45 year career I worked for a guy that must of been the grandfather of the one you did. I thought that I was getting the big bucks and thats the way it was. I finally transferred to another job and went to work for a genuine human being. I learned on that first job, but what I learned most is that you will get a lot more out of your employees treating them respectfully, than you ever will being a total a**hole. Good luck, I have a feeling you will do well. As others have said, Starting a new job causes a bit of apprehension but it normally unfounded. Do your job and your new boss will be so relieved to get a "good" guy and all will be fine.