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British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

Dave Hadden

Well-Known Member
Mr. Wesley Carley was his name, everyone knew him by this name, why would he go by any other name, with over a 100 employee's no one of them called him chum, so I'm thinking you have the wrong guy period, same with les longland of cragg creek logging and timber, of sooke, some of you call him lee, not his actually name , thank you and good day all,

Thanks for your reply, slightly confusing as it is.
I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same guy but I always knew him as Chum and interacted with him numerous times in the '70's and early '80's. No problem though.
I also know Ed Longland who could be related to Les Longland, although I'm not sure. I'll ask Ed when I see him next.
Also, I recall back when Malloch & Moseley sponsored a stock car at Western Speedway, probably in the mid '60's when I was in the Navy and used to go to the races a lot. I drove past their old place many times in later years.
Later I dated the daughter of Ted Shaw from Sooke. Sadly, she passed away recently from cancer.
Lots of memories from both my Navy years and then my Jordan River years, 1975-1987.
Keep your stories coming BCFPVet.
I like them.

Take care.


Active Member
Thanks for your reply, slightly confusing as it is.
I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same guy but I always knew him as Chum and interacted with him numerous times in the '70's and early '80's. No problem though.
I also know Ed Longland who could be related to Les Longland, although I'm not sure. I'll ask Ed when I see him next.
Also, I recall back when Malloch & Moseley sponsored a stock car at Western Speedway, probably in the mid '60's when I was in the Navy and used to go to the races a lot. I drove past their old place many times in later years.
Later I dated the daughter of Ted Shaw from Sooke. Sadly, she passed away recently from cancer.
Lots of memories from both my Navy years and then my Jordan River years, 1975-1987.
Keep your stories coming BCFPVet.
I like them.

Take care.

hey there, chum eh interesting no one on his crew ever called him that, wes was around way before the 70's he started in the 50's along with other's, his machinery colors or company colors were green and white, he wouldtrucklog's down to muir creek log dump where malloch and mosley was for years, i never knew Mr, shaw in sooke but knew lewis knotts longtime logger and miner in sooke, along with fellow logger crazy donald razzo, my dad worked for pioneer logging and canadian puget sound timber and lumber a division of Rayonier canada (BC) limited, last i herd cragg creek logging left the area as did ipswich investments ltd and merrill ring inc of sooke and staverman logging and timber ltd, i never did figure out what ever happend to staverman or who they were owned by, or where there camp was located, Iv'ebeen out to muir creek a few times and have found old malloch mosley logging equipment out there, memories,thanks there for the info, i was looking for my old malloch and mosley cap,


Well-Known Member
wow the memories ...i went to work for longland logging when i was a kid (family went to school with some of them ) i went to go slash burning.. got all the way out to nowhere, and it was to wet to burn ,, got coffee and a thankyou , went home ha ha ,


Senior Member
A few more shared pics of #38-36. Look closely how exhaust pipe heat up sander box. Old Hayes HDX preloader.


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Senior Member
BCFP VET The 1972 LW Kenworth that has been restored belongs to Gordi Isaccson When did Malloch obtain and restore an old Hayes Logging truck??? I have never seen it around ? I would sure like to see her There is not a lot of them around Thank you for the heads up Will try and track her down


Active Member
BCFP VET The 1972 LW Kenworth that has been restored belongs to Gordi Isaccson When did Malloch obtain and restore an old Hayes Logging truck??? I have never seen it around ? I would sure like to see her There is not a lot of them around Thank you for the heads up Will try and track her down

it was dale malloch of metchosin, who restored a 72 kenworth logging truck, the malloch and mosley logging truck as it was called, it has been going to every xmas light truckparade for years, where they all end up at western speedway, i have pics of her 8 years ago, with dale and his beard, i don'tknow if he was in the xmas light parade this year, maybe someone could shed some light on this matter,


Senior Member
Nice dual axel dump truck,looks like it's still restorable, maybe someone out there should see if they could haul it out, or buy it if someones ownes it, wheres this at anyways???:)
BCFP; yes for sure a nice old truck and hopefully she will be restored some day. Sorry but we keep it for ourselfs where she is parked, as some people might pick her up and sell the old iron....


Senior Member
We came upon this old girl a long time ago . She is in a nice safe environment where no harm can come to her. When we first looked at her she just smacked of BCFP and the area was right because of the older camps around there Vancouver Bay, Britain River ,Glacial,Creek as well as a few others. My dad drove one of them at Britain River so I remember them. However the windshield wipers through me off. Then after a little searching it came up Cowichan had in fact been running the same model trucks at Caycuse/Nitnat Operations back in the mid 40s and after looking at pictures sure enough there she was She is a 1944 model Although the serial # plate was long gone we found where the number was because we have restored a couple similar trucks and sure enough there it was. So she was probably transferred from there perhaps when BCFP sold off NitNat (Camp 3) to Crown Z in 1957 and they had a surplus of trucks so she was sent over to one of the Mainland Operations --this is just pure speculation on my part but it would explain how she ended up there.There was several of these trucks went to Glendale Cove (Tom Brown Division) new in 1947 and were used there till it shut down in 1949 --Then all the equipment was transferred to Vancouver Bay and Britain River You are all right she should be saved but the downside is that people get swept up in the moment and would love to grab her and restore her back to what she once was until they see the enormity of the task and then reality sets in Usually this is where common sense kicks in and she will once again sit just like she is now I personally HATE COMMON SENSE!!! We will see what we can do though


Senior Member
HDX; Thank you for great info as usual. Like you I HATE COMMON SENSE. I had to give up a Danish "Triangel" truck many years ago. I had to sell her. Buyer has not so far found enough money to do the restorration....


Active Member
We came upon this old girl a long time ago . She is in a nice safe environment where no harm can come to her. When we first looked at her she just smacked of BCFP and the area was right because of the older camps around there Vancouver Bay, Britain River ,Glacial,Creek as well as a few others. My dad drove one of them at Britain River so I remember them. However the windshield wipers through me off. Then after a little searching it came up Cowichan had in fact been running the same model trucks at Caycuse/Nitnat Operations back in the mid 40s and after looking at pictures sure enough there she was She is a 1944 model Although the serial # plate was long gone we found where the number was because we have restored a couple similar trucks and sure enough there it was. So she was probably transferred from there perhaps when BCFP sold off NitNat (Camp 3) to Crown Z in 1957 and they had a surplus of trucks so she was sent over to one of the Mainland Operations --this is just pure speculation on my part but it would explain how she ended up there.There was several of these trucks went to Glendale Cove (Tom Brown Division) new in 1947 and were used there till it shut down in 1949 --Then all the equipment was transferred to Vancouver Bay and Britain River You are all right she should be saved but the downside is that people get swept up in the moment and would love to grab her and restore her back to what she once was until they see the enormity of the task and then reality sets in Usually this is where common sense kicks in and she will once again sit just like she is now I personally HATE COMMON SENSE!!! We will see what we can do though

Hello, you say bcfp sold nitinat camp to crown zellerbach in the 50's seem's kinda strange because it was owned by moore and whittington at this time off rosander main, it was kinsinger lake that was crown zellerbach in the 70's maybe earlier, my dad worked there thats how i know that one, west fraser timber had a mobile mill at that time up there as well, i have a west fraser timber cap as well in my forestry collections,
kingsinger lake camp was closed down in 85, and nitinat camp im not sure when they closed permanetly


Active Member
HDX; Thank you for great info as usual. Like you I HATE COMMON SENSE. I had to give up a Danish "Triangel" truck many years ago. I had to sell her. Buyer has not so far found enough money to do the restorration....

if everyones into restoring older trucks it would be a shame to let this old girl just continue to sit there and rot, i think it wouldn't hurt to go chat with the owner and see if a deal couldn't be reached to purchase her and get her in a nice warm comfy shop, with some tunes playing, hayes trucks were built to last but not this long and she sure looks in great shape but long over due for cleaning up and put back in service again, just imagine what that original engine would sound like all rebuilt, gas or diesel i bet she would sound classic by far, goodluck, doesnt hurt to ask though,


Senior Member
BCFPVET You have lost me completely What does Camp 3 have to do with the Moore and Whittington camp down on NitNat Lake???? Since when did Camp 3 move from Kissenger Lake on a barge halfway down NitNat Lake That camp you are talking about was originally NitNat Lake Logging before it was M/W and then became a Malloch and Mosley camp. Only way in was by boat till 1976 when BCFP and M&B built the Rosander Mainline hookup from the Caycuse Bridge It was then that the Malloch &Mosley 850 Kenworth trucks started hauling directly to the Caycuse Dryland Sort The drivers were Ike Issacson Lea Fortin Ron Long and Billy Spiller and also Mike Fortin drove near the end-- As for BCFP selling Camp 3 it was sold to CrownZ on Aug 29 1957. The Hayes we were discussing is NOT up for grabs and wont be in the forseeable future. It is safe where it is so all anybody can do is enjoy it where its at--in picture form on this site.


Active Member
BCFPVET You have lost me completely What does Camp 3 have to do with the Moore and Whittington camp down on NitNat Lake???? Since when did Camp 3 move from Kissenger Lake on a barge halfway down NitNat Lake That camp you are talking about was originally NitNat Lake Logging before it was M/W and then became a Malloch and Mosley camp. Only way in was by boat till 1976 when BCFP and M&B built the Rosander Mainline hookup from the Caycuse Bridge It was then that the Malloch &Mosley 850 Kenworth trucks started hauling directly to the Caycuse Dryland Sort The drivers were Ike Issacson Lea Fortin Ron Long and Billy Spiller and also Mike Fortin drove near the end-- As for BCFP selling Camp 3 it was sold to CrownZ on Aug 29 1957. The Hayes we were discussing is NOT up for grabs and wont be in the forseeable future. It is safe where it is so all anybody can do is enjoy it where its at--in picture form on this site.

Nopehaven't lost you at all, moore and whittington owned nitnat division and water tower until the 70's it was 1974 rosander was built, acording to myuncle bob, who was a dozer operator, billy malloch and des mosley never used kenworths because they couldn'tstandup to there driver's abuse lol they used yuk's and a few challenger's, maybe later on but not in 74, nitnat was never a malloch camp,malloch had muir creek sort and another camp up on the queen charlottes and rivers inlet, in the 60's and 70's, my uncle was a feller buncher, for years, crown zellerbach was at kissenger in 79 acording to my uncle who worked there as well, and pictures prove that story as well, as my uncle was a chargehand for many years,


Active Member
BCFP VET Having lived in Caycuse before the road from Honeymoon Bay was put in, we went to school in Lake Cowichan by boat and the railway speeder that ran down the North Shore to Youbou. The speeder ran from BCFP Nitnat (Camp 3) to Youbou. HDX is correct in post 235. I was in the Nitnat camp a few times when I was a kid.