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98 Ingersol Rand Roller - Need Information


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2014
Ethridge, TN
98 Ingersol Rand SD- 70D Pro PAC

This roller was recently acquired from an auction. The roller will not completely disengage the vibrating function. If you push the button on the stick it will slow the function down, but will not stop it. I have unhooked the switch and that made no difference. I've unplugged the electrical connections at all locations for the hydraulic system and this has had no effect.Any input would be much appreciated.

Ben Witter

Senior Member
Apr 3, 2013
On the outside
If you unplug the connector on the vibration pump and it continues to turn the weights then the pump is not in neutral. It is a Sauer 46 series pump. You can go to the Sauer/Dafoss website and download a manual. It has very good troubleshooting info and how to adjust the pump so it is in neutral.