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730A issues

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I had an experienced operator come out today to help me do some drainage work on my MX track. Started off great, grader was working perfectly. Then the articulation quit after 1/2 an hour but only 1 way. It uses a solenoid valve. We thought it was the switch and after fiddling around for close to an hour changed the switch and thought we had it working but nope it was very intermittent. The guy with me thought maybe a ground issue. At 1 point we started the grader and the volt meter showed nothing. Shut it off and started again and had 14 volts. Not sure if that's related to 1 solenoid being intermittent. Since the other solenoid seems to work without issue I'm wondering if maybe I need loosen the malfunctioning solenoid and clean the spacer that holds it in place and put the nut a little tighter? I put dielectric grease on the stem so it couldn't rust but cleaned the steel spacer that pushes against the solenoid with sand paper. The solenoids ground to the hyd. valve and don't use a ground wire. I thought maybe the nuts not tight enough and that's what's causing an intermittent problem? Is there something else that might cause a new solenoid to only work very intermittently?

The other issue looks pretty straight forward. After spending over $1500 on a new clutch master cylinder and rebuilding the booster it appears the slave cylinder blew the seals out so now there's no clutch. I'm so sick of these stupid problems. On top of that my generator seems to be stuck with the automatic choke on. Its worked flawlessly all year except today. It requires major disassembly to get at the carb. I'm just about ready to call it quits. I'm hating equipment, hating always aching, hating taking 10 pills a day and hating the constant fatigue I have from the f%$#@! cancer. It's really hard to be positive.