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I gave notice about starting my pension today!


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
I tired of the late nights wrenching only to turn to rolling shifts power station, all weather, all manner weekends, nights, holidays, the long weeks of 12 1/2 hour days or nights refueling outages, fire brigade drills, emergency drills, suiting up for actual in radiologic areas emergent work, dead of winter 105 degrees coolest spot in turbine hall, same time frame 15 minute stay time in the reactor building due to heat. Body was tired, mind was done. I was but 60 going on 61, had had plenty enough.

Just turned 67, feeling my age every month more and more. Uncle Arthir and I are Dear acquaintances.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2023
Cosgrove uk
@Knuckleduster I would love to volunteer on the canals, if they'd have a Yankee operator who came over a couple of weeks out of the year. They really struck a chord with me.
The natural streams for power and all the wildlife, cruising for the most part on the back sides of farms. All delightful.
Hard to say if Darling wife is down for all that, but she could stay home ;)
@thepumpguysc we appreciate you so much. Your job is different, you made a niche there.

I love my job and will miss it, but not on those days when they ask me to put gumbo back in the trenches and call it good.
I won't miss waking up in the night and hearing the rain, wondering how bad the site will be tomorrow.
I'm ready to move on from all that.
Oops--don`t upset "she who must bbe obeyed" as we say in u.k. We (wife and I) are due to go to Trustee meeting tonight with the others (similar to a board of directors) and I`m going to put it too them to see what the reaction is. We were recently on TV featuring in a BBC programme called "Countryfile" and from that numerous enquiries were made to us regarding volunteering oppotunities. There is a general increase in U.K. regarding looking after the enviroment and programmes like Countryfile are helping us get the message out that looking after the canals with over 2000miles of active waterways is worthwhile passtime. When I see another bit repaired and working I get a real sense of satisfaction that I helped do that. Will get back to you soon--don`t forget, don`t upset the wife.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2023
Cosgrove uk
Thanks, I had not thought of it that way.
It is a first step, not cold turkey. Like the patch or the gum for the cigarette smokers, I will still pull a lever now and then in anger.
Just short of 70 and looking back, I retired for second time at about 66-67. Haven`t got time nor the energy to work now. Did a couple of jobs during this week--hated every minute of them but didn`t want to let people down I`ve known for years. Paid work get in the way of my obsession--messing about with boats.
Always feel recharged after going to our boat, there is something about being on canal charges up my body and my mind. The piece and tranquility of the canals really gets to your soul. Got trip up the canal tomorrow pushing the craneboat with a tugboat to get ready for a extraction pump change that will happen on Monday. Afterwards a gental trip back to homebase--down as skipper for both journeys. HEAVEN


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
It's better already. I was going in and trying to gin up some hours out of thin air. Monday I will move the mini and do a couple of government jobs, on Monday and Wednesday. Government jobs is what we called personal projects at the machine shop :)
Then that's it. The job I am working on is stalled 2~3 weeks and that will be the next time I go to work. There's a short week and then another 2~3 week break. I can handle that schedule :)

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
would love to volunteer on the canals, if they'd have a Yankee operator who came over a couple of weeks out of the year. They really struck a chord with me.
The natural streams for power and all the wildlife, cruising for the most part on the back sides of farms. All
Odd--I just read a interesting story written about the UK Canals of the 19th century. When the
canals were in use the crime was rampant---BBC-History--Death on the canal, www.historyextra.com
issue 300.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2023
Cosgrove uk
Odd--I just read a interesting story written about the UK Canals of the 19th century. When the
canals were in use the crime was rampant---BBC-History--Death on the canal, www.historyextra.com
issue 300.
Crime was certainly rampant--both on and off the canals. The guys rhat dug the canals were a hard lot--worked hard and would always have a fight in the local pubs when they had many beers. there was also fighting at the locks, because the gaffer (boat boss) would go up to the next lock and pick a fight with any boater that was thinking of going into the lock before him His fully laden boat could go straight into the lock and speed up his journey and he would get paid more money. The marks on either side of the bow depicted a half crescent moon on one side and the sun on the other letting other boat owners know he was prepared to work all day (sun) and all night (moon) The diamonds eather side depicted how wealthy he was--more diamonds depicted more wealth and more determination to get the job done at any cost--fighting ,thieving, sinking oppositions boats. Hard men--Hard times

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Rough and tumble types, drink a lot, fight some, drink more, eat some!!
Reading the story--there were allot of murders along the canals during the use of them.
Some very unsavory people were attracted to the business.