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Weak front buck tilt and clam shell


My cat 416c front bucket clamshell/4in1/jaw or whatever it’s called, used to be real strong but has lately become real weak so I replaced the two resolver seals but no better. Now my front bucket tilt (both ways) has become super weak and won’t tilt at all unless I wiggle/use the clam lever at same time. I replaced the two resolvers on it and no different. I also went ahead and replaced the up and down resolvers while I was under it. Where should I check now?


How about the o rings that are accessed by removing the right rear tire? I’ve never checked them. Would they cause this issue?


Senior Member
The front loader controls and backhoe controls are all part of the same circuit.
  1. Attach a pressure gauge to the main pressure test point.
  2. Stall out the function that is bad and watch the gauge.
  3. Operate all the other functions in turn, including the backhoe and stabilisers.
  4. Any function which causes an improvement in pressure has suspect resolvers.
Did you replace both primary and secondary resolvers?


Is primary the ones on the valve located from underneath and secondary the ones accessed by removing the right rear tire?