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Tips for new debris removal service?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2007
Thumb of MI
I have a friend in the scrap business. He had a crane mounted on his truck similar to the one you are talking about except he had an electric winch. It was really useful. Saved him alot of heavy lifting. I would certainly think about one. You are going to have to do something to save wear on your shoulders.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2006
Colville Wa
Update for those interested. Not much new as my truck is still in the shop. It needed new rear and new front diff, u-joints, seals etc. I new it would need quite a bit of work as I only paid $500 for it. Should be gettin it soon.

I have not really done any advertising because I dont want to have to tell people right off "cant help ya, trucks in the shop"

I did call 17 local contractors and tell them I was starting a new hauling service and would be more than happy to help them out with construction/ remodel clean up and asked if they wanted my name and number. EVERY one that I actually talked to, (some were msg machines) said YES! That we need something like this around here, so that makes me feel a little beter.

Told them $40 hr plus dump fees and they said that sounds fine.

So, hopefully I will be getting my truck out soon and I will put an ad in the local rag and let ya know whats happinin.

Thanks again for the help.

Fly-By-Night Hauling


Active Member
Apr 5, 2006
Colville Wa
Update again. Got my pu out of the shop on April 1. $1500 and it needs a transmission (turbo 350) but he told me to take it easy on it and try and get a few jobs with it the way it is. Seems to run pretty good for an old heap lol.

Its a flat bed so I built 4' high racks for it with 3/4" ply slip in tail gate/ boards and a rachet strap across the top back to hold it tight.

I think it will work great for small loads, and its cheap!

I went to all the local realtors today and introduced myself and new service and asked if I could leave a few business card with them and they all said YES!

The Very first one I went to this morning asked if I wanted a job, hauling some old carpet out of a house she just sold.

Got my ad put in the local rag today, just a weekly, but its all we got. Should get my magnetic signs tomorrow (Thu 5th)

ONE realtor asked my rates and when I said "$40 hr plus dump fee" she actually took a step back and looked like she threw up a little in her mouth!

She wasent being a smarty pants, I think it really shocked her, but as it sank in, she told me a story about a deal that the seller was to have EVERYTHING out and left a few little things AND a woodstove in the garage.

Said she took the garbage and little things in her car but didnt have a pickup and WOULD have gladly paid 40 bucks to have somebody take that stove away.

I gave her a card, smiled and told her "thats why Im here"



Senior Member
Jun 8, 2006
Load Out Tech. / Heavy Equipment Operator / Locomo
ONE realtor asked my rates and when I said "$40 hr plus dump fee" she actually took a step back and looked like she threw up a little in her mouth!


Glad to hear your moving on up. Its hard to break into a business sometimes but with a little bit of elbow grease and leg work, you can do anything. :thumbsup


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2006
Central NY
ONE realtor asked my rates and when I said "$40 hr plus dump fee" she actually took a step back and looked like she threw up a little in her mouth

Was she good looking?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2006
Colville Wa
Nuther update (who cares right? lol)

Been gettin a few calls a week, avg. one job a week so far. Most have been multi trips with my half ton, would like to have a bit bigger truck to get it done quicker but that will come with time.

Some I have made a little money on, some others....not so much.

I aborted the "$40 an hour" routine pretty fast when doctors and such realized that they could take a day off work and do it themselves for less.

Im being facetious, but people around here will NOT accept $40 an hour for a junk hauler.

They WILL pay that much I have found, I just have to word it differently!

If I tell them "$250 for that pile of junk plus tax" and I can get it done in two hours they seem to be very pleased (Thats about..$125 PH no?) I dont get it, but it seems to work. As long as I figure right.

I paid $9.56 to work my ass of for a couple days this week. I figured wrong. Who would have thought that dry limbs in a half ton could weigh 900 lbs???

Or that there would be four loads rather than the two that I thought, I wont do that again.

Its a lot of guess work when you are first starting out, but with every job I get, there is less and less guess I guess.

Fly-By-Night Hauling
(Est. Yesterday)

PS, those that hire me think the names a kick, dont know about those that dont.
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Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
Nuther update (who cares right? lol)

Well, I wasn't literally holding my breath waiting, but I appreciate the update. Lots of the questions asked here relate to starting a new small business, and I think your story is a good glimpse at some of the thought processes and headaches involved. Thanks for taking the time to share it. :drinkup


Sep 9, 2005
Perth, Western Australia
Digger Driver
Or that there would be four loads rather than the two that I thought, I wont do that again.

Thats the bestest way to learn...and I'm sure we have all done it. I like to give $$$ per load quote when I'm unsure of a cleanout quantity.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2006
Colville Wa
Thats the bestest way to learn...and I'm sure we have all done it. I like to give $$$ per load quote when I'm unsure of a cleanout quantity.

That is a great idea!
I will try and remember to do that from now on if Im unsure, and at this point, Im still unsure of everything :)

I tried the hourly thing but everybody still wanted to know what the total would be anyway, and I cant say I blame them.

So I am finding its just easier to quote them a price and do it. If I tell them so much an hour, plus tax, plus dump fees, etc, their eyes just seem to glaze over and they STILL just want to know what the bottom line is, BUT its easier for me to lose my hind end if I guess wrong as happend this week.

My customer never knew of course and they were very happy with my job, I just hope they dont tell a lot of people the price I did it for or I WILL be getting a bunch of calls hahaha.

Its still scary but I knew/know that the sooner I get started, the sooner I will start learning and some day look back and have a good laugh at some of the stupid things Im doing.



Senior Member
Feb 6, 2006
id recommend a 2 wheel dolly w/air tires, decent size to roll over stuff and a lift gate or a long long ramp (ie not much steepness).


Active Member
Apr 5, 2006
Colville Wa
Nudder update.

Still wondering why I wanted to go into business for myself.

Its because I love it. I even love the things I hate about it!

About a job a week, hundred or so dollars, ugh.

So I bought another truck (that REALLY got the little lady exited)

So I had to get a "real" part time job to pay for my business, am I a dummy?

I was gettin these little old ladies asking me to haul off their 50 yo freezers, riding mowers, wood stoves, etc.

And it was really hurting me trying to get em up into my flatbed so I purchased a 93 GMC box van with a #2000 lb lift gate.

$5600 but man is it nice to be able to wheel something over to it on my dolly and flip the lever!!!!!!

Still have and mostley use my ol flatbed, but now I welcome the calls like " I dont know if you could haul this for me, might be too heavy..."

I was loading a bunch of rr ties today and the customer asked me if I haul much heavy stuff.....?

I told him I been waitin for the call to get rid of a bunch of balsa wood out of someones back yard, or maybe a box of cotton, but alas...

Its usually old lumber, limbs, yardsale stuff, carpet, you know.

Tuesday I underbid a job (my fault) and my first load of three almost cost me as much to dump as I was getting paid!

Plus gas, plus $20 for high school help.

I had jus told him ( my helper) to be carefull tossing boards into my truck , which has racks with about 2" gaps, well next thing I heard was the sickining sound of my rear window blowing out all over my seat.

I told him not to worry and we just kept going. Cleaned all the broken glass out my seat and headed to the dump with our last load, backed up to within about 10 ' of the bin so I could take my tail boards out and my ign switch fell out into my lap, (with the broken glass).

Stuck there, hood up , people honking, I finally unloaded all the heavy ass stuff and lugged it the 10 feet or so then pushed my 6000 pound truck out of the way.

After a hour or so I took a cresent wrench and forced it to spin over and start up.

Pulled up onto the scale and the attentendent tells me "NOT to shut it off again and the bill was $27.00"

I only had 19.

Got home, went right back with their money came back to find a flat tire on my new box dually!

No biggy I got a nice new air compresser. But the thingy that fills regluar tires will not fit duals, good grief.

Shot down to Schucks with $13 in my pocket and asked if thay had something to air up duals and he said "one left in stock" I said awesome how much? He said $14

Sometimes I hate myself. Why couldent I just play golf and give up this foolishness?

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WI Winterman

Apr 15, 2007
student, analyst
Dude.... what a story! :eek: (just finished reading this thread)

Keep on keepin on though.
I'm like you: work hard on small jobs that don't seem to bring in the Porsches...

Are you running any kind of insurance? for the truck, for you, for your employees, etc. ?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2006
Colville Wa
Dude.... what a story! :eek: (just finished reading this thread)

Keep on keepin on though.
I'm like you: work hard on small jobs that don't seem to bring in the Porsches...

Are you running any kind of insurance? for the truck, for you, for your employees, etc. ?

Sure. I have insurance on both my trucks for business liability, but thas about it.

And I dont have any employees so far, just a high school kid for $20 a day....hahahaha
