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Rolling recycled asphalt


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Ottawa Ontario Canada

I'm looking to put down about 6" of recycled asphalt (it's been put through a screener, so no big chunks) over an existing private road/driveway made up of recycled asphalt. In the past the recycled asphalt was put down without rolling it. I'm hoping to improve the durability of the road by rolling it, as well as hopefully putting a better grade than the previous contractor.

I can rent a Wacker RD-12 for $100/day, this is a 1.5 ton (I think) roller. Is this big enough? I assume I'll only be able to roll max 4" at a time. How are they on slopes?
My plan was to work from the entrance in. This means that the dump truck delivering the next load would be driving over the newly rolled asphalt. Is this dumb? I would like to do it this way since it will be much easier for me to get the grade right.

I'm spreading/grading with a backhoe.

Thanks for any insight.
The existing road:


Some recycled asphalt I put down last week, this was left over from years past in a pile at the base of the road. It has many large chunks in it. The material I'm getting now is much better. No chunks and recently screened.



This is the sloped part of the road. I may not even try it due to time, but I'm wondering how the smooth rollers work on slopes.



Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2010
So. IL.
heavy equiptment operator
GREG, I wouldn't use a roller. One that small wont be of much help it will only make the top look smooth. Looks like you have a good base to start with, so what i would do is start at the entrance and have your trucks tailgate the material out at 5 to 6" deep. Tell the drivers you want them to split there tracks to help you wheel roll it in. I think it will be fine as you are only going to have a car or truck on it anyway. Don't spend much time on finishing it until the trucks are done hauling or you may lose to much out on the sides if you are using a backhoe for finishing. Have fun.I know I would. Mudober


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
Ottawa Ontario Canada
Thanks Mudodber. I'm a novice backhoe operator... so the first day went slow. First two truck loads were dumped about 8" or more thick... did 6 loads. Didn't know how good we had it until day two and a different dump truck driver. We asked him to chain the tailgate and he didn't do it. He also dumped so that he would have to drive back over what he dumped to get out. He said "Yeah I can drive over that no problem". Not a chance. I had to plowed through it with the backhoe enough so he could drive over it. After two loads he calls his boss so they can explain to him how the chains work for the tailgate. Of course if you sit in one spot long enough chaining the tailgate doesn't do much...

It was tough levelling it with the backhoe. The second day I decided to drag it and I'm so glad I did. Used a frame from an old lumber cart. Not the most ideal drag, since I had to get out and shorten or length the chain each time I turned around but it worked.

We did roll it as we had already booked the rental, it does make it look nice, for now.

Video using the drag

Day two dump truck spread


The simple drag


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
Looks good Greg, I like the use of the drag.

I would have rolled it too. Have a little experience with RAP, putting it on a heavily traveled private drive a couple of years ago. Spread it with Bobcats and rolled it with a Cat CS 533. It's held up pretty well with a few spots deteriorating.