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Need advice on getting a excavation license


Aug 16, 2008
Fayetteville, WV
Hey folks, I've had really good luck posting on here before and I hope someone can give me some good advice once again.

About 5 weeks ago I got laid off from the wv coal mines....things are going south here. Over the years working there instead of buying a Harley or Escalade I starting buying equipment. So far I have a 580k, a C70 truck, 2 trenchers, 2 equipment trailers and a vermeer 252 stump grinder.

I went to my city hall to get a business license for stump grinding and they would not issue one because they said I need a excavation contractors licsense to grind stumps. I can understand if I were using my backhoe or even the trenchers but a stump grinder??

Anyhow, I've got to buy the books for WV, its an open book test but I would love to find a school that goes over the material before I take the test. Its supposed be be a tough test and its $100 every time you take it.

Has anyone used a online school or know of a school in WV, VA or NC that does this for excavation?

If anyone has these books for sale, I'm looking for them
Heavy Equipment Operations Level 1 Trainee Guide
Heavy Equipment Operations Level 2 Trainee Guide
Heavy Equipment Operations Level 3 Trainee Guide
Heavy/Highway Construction Trainee Guide
International Building Code 2006- Tabbed and Highlighted

thanks in advanced
Fayetteville, WV