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MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. Red & White Iron, Past and Present....


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
campbell river

I bet your phone has been ringing off the hook. Great pictures as always.

Don't leave us all hanging here!!!


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2010
Northern Alberta
Blk prince, happy to see you got another candle on the cake and hope you get many more.

boy o boy, Steve sure has peaked a lot of interest here, better then wondering what is in the big box the wife hid in the closet...lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
campbell river

The MB mudflaps that were on her after the logos were taken off the doors! Are they still around? They looked like they were in pretty good shape. I'm sure someone would have put them in a safe place for just the right occasion. The Weyco guys would have loved tossing them into the fire pit.

I don't recall ever seeing a truck up our way with those mudflaps. It's something that I'm certain I would recall.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
I am just trying to figure out how to explain the whole thing You will all have your answer by morning!!! The mud flaps Steve are a story all in their own. Many years ago my wife Vicki and I were heading south on I-5 just south of Mt Vernon and a red and white trailer truck went sailing by us. HHMMMM I said look at the mudflaps--Sure enough there were a set of M&B mud flaps on the trailer and truck. This kind of stuck with me and so when we got back to work I went in and asked out head warehouse man Brian Mahaffey about them I said why would we be buying mack and kw mudflaps when we just might be able to get out own He spent a lot of time trying to track down where the truck went and who was in charge etc Finally he hit onto some good info from a Los Angeles M&B distribution center. He found out who made the flaps and it turned out they were made in Kentucky. No they would not sell them to anybody only their customers! As it turned out PacCar was one of their customers and so that gave Inland Kenworth in Nanaimo access to such things This is where he got Larry Forrester involved Larry was their road parts salesman. It was quite a major purchase. Much phoning involved and an awful amount of time. It was decided that there was to be a run of 100 pairs of these flaps made for Nanaimo Kenworth BUT they were worried that they would be stuck with a bunch of them. Not the case I phoned Ronnie Blunt at the Bay (NWB) and gave him the heads up as to what were up to and he got on board right away They went in and pre-ordered something like 30 pairs. Franklin was to get a large number also, When some of the employees got wind of what was going on some of them went to Kenworth and put their name on the list also for a set. All this was going on in June 1996. I know because about that time H17 was to be immortalized on a Canadian Postage Stamp. I went up to the Cameron Office and talked to You Know who ( Jim J. ). I told him it would be nice if somehow a set of flaps could make it up to Canada somehow ahead of the order. I to this day do not know what strings he pulled or what he did but he called the dispatcher next day to say he wanted to see me. OH OH I thought. Went up to see him and he said -- I have arranged for ONE SET to be flown up to Cassidy from Kentucky ahead of the order! They will be loomis'ed up to Cameron shop as soon as they arrive BUT you have to install them. I stayed late the next nite and cut them down and bolted them on under the front bumper and next morning the photographer from Ottawa arrived at the China Creek Dryland sort to take the final pictures for the pre-release postage card that accompanies the release of the stamp and there it was. And that Steve is the story of the M&B mudflaps and how they came to be. The ones that were on her when she went to Hayes Forest in Duncan to be rebuilt were thrown into the garbage along with anything else M&B on her. I have a couple sets put away from back then that I bought myself at Kenworth in Nanaimo and have been saving them all this time in the hopes that what just happened would really happen. I have one that I cut down and never used that will grace your wall if you want it!!!


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
I don't even know how to start but here is what happened. We were told a few weeks ago that starting in the new year we were to run only 5 off highway trucks. Prior to this we ran 12 big ones then most of 2015 we ran 9.It was alarming to see what was happening. Western kept putting more pressure on IPL to get more small trucks and less big ones After all the little trucks don't take up nearly as much road as we do. So there is savings right there. We thought that maybe we could through time and common sense get our big truck numbers back up in the new year after Western saw what was not happening. We were to run 4 big trucks hauling logs and one big truck to be permanently under the low bed So 5 big trucks and four drivers So H17 and H145 -P16 conv H153 P16 conv H144 HDX Conv and H119-- P16 Preload along with H14-- P16 Preload stuck under the lowbed.As well the compliment of highway trucks would increase to 20 from 14. The soon to be displaced drivers on the big trucks will now be little truck drivers!!! That was to be the compliment for the start of 2016. IPL and WFP have been going at it pretty hard with different agendas. I cant and will not get into the gory details of what transpired but the outcome was IPL could not sit on 12 big trucks with no hope of them going back to work at Franklin River Division. Western wants all trucks working for them to be able to direct haul to where-ever THEY WANT THE LOGS. There is something called "WRAP AND SPLASH" that they want to do and that means they will just weigh each load on the scales put bands on the loads and then lift the load off the truck and dump it into the water. No more scaling or grading so that gets rid of several jobs on the dryland sort right away Big savings there. It is an ugly situation there and when I see what is happening it is fatally flawed. Cant work Did not work back when industry tried it before and wont work now. Geographic's dictate that it is just too far to haul with small trucks. we see a tri- tri unit with a load of logs up to between the hinge on the stakes and the top and he is up to weight We carry three of those loads on one big truck. History will prove what I am saying. BUT as with Weyco when they were here It was one big garage sale after another to get rid of the line loaders and big trucks. Well they did a pretty good job of deleting that sort of equipment from the industry Just try and buy one now. For goodness sake they are worth more as parts than a complete unit. I will stop here because it just makes me mad to know what we had worked and yet the deck is stacked against us. When I first met Lyle Newton he was straight up Kind of what we call a stand-up guy. His word was better than a written contract. He told me back then Yes she is your truck and she will go home with you one day. BUT NOT YET LOL I still need the two of you. He phoned me tues nite and said "GO GET HER--Take her home it is time! The only string attached was that I would remain and drive the low bed. There will only be two big trucks on Jan 4/16 The H14 P16 Preload under the lowbed and H119 P16 Preload will be kept as a push truck and if there is no lowbed moves I will haul logs with her That is the deal So my friends a life long dream has come true. For me it is hard because I have lived and grown up driving that truck and now she will haul no more. Yes I will finally have to admit defeat and drive a Pacific BUT it is a small price to pay for OWNING a "CLASSIC" Once again she will eventually get her red and white colors back and all her M&B decals. All this is because one guy had a lifelong dream and another guy was able to help fulfill that dream. I am eternally gratefull to the Newton Family for what they have done. She started her career as H17 and 40 some odd years later retired as H17. Vicki and I will go out one day soon and drive her one last time down memory mainline and then close the door on one more piece of history. Don't know what else to say other than THANK YOU To all of you. "If the sun is setting on her It has been shining on her for a long time"
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Senior Member
Feb 4, 2011
machine fitter/fabricator
HDX...I don't think the sun has set on H-17 just yet..She is just beginning a new chapter in her later years...The book is not finished yet.
I don't understand the advantage of the smaller trucks but I have never been the management type.I usually think outside the box..
I think you will be OK driving a P-16...I would rather see you ride into retirement in a P-16 than a Western Star...and remember .....H-17 is watching

Blk prince

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2014
Ladysmith bc canada
Truck driver semi retired
My gut told me you may be down but not out. Still hauling into Sarita or moving to China Creek? Talked to two friends last Sunday. They work at Coastal Trucking. They had come back home from MacKenzie after delivering a 14ft wide lowbed and an HDX to the Mount MacMillan Mine. Now H-17 to be reborn as M&B. I see MacMillan name rising up out of the dust. Like poking a sleeping bear with a stick. ps truck and lowbed came from Chemainus


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2012
Vancouver Island
commercial fisherman/part time elf
Well Steve, I guess you will have to change your handle to P16 now:(... In all seriousness, you know how we all feel about this. As we talked about in our phone conversation earlier today, this is a sad but happy thing. I find myself a little out of sorts over it all, having the thought of no big trucks left out there. Since my parents started taking me out to Sarita Lake in the 80's, waiting to see an off-highway of any type was the main attraction. I hadn't been out there for quite a long time and hadn't thought much about it all until I started building little 115 and we began to chat. Heading out there last year and meeting you and dirty4fun Jim sparked a renewed interest in me and a new one in my wife for the old "fat trucks"(or as Dad and I always called them "elephants") and the area itself out there. I'm bummed that I didn't make more of an effort to go for a ride in her with ya but that's OK. Now that she is going home I will always know where to find her... I just hope the owner still greets me with a smile(and maybe a pastry) for years to come.lol Now I guess a ride in a PIG will have to do....

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Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
Not # matching , not 1 owner , but 1 driver . A legend in its own time . H 17 has put in 20 years of good service , she deserving of a rest , a good home and a lot more TLC . Congratulation's Steve , driving a Pacific won't be that bad , knowing its to help foot the bill to restore your favourite HDX Hayes .
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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Blkprince The truck those guys hauled up there--That had to be an orange and white one. She was also a preload truck EX- BCFP unit number 6-250. I knew she had been leased out and was heading up country. Tried to keep her down here and tried to buy her a couple years ago but Coulson wanted a gazillion dollars for her. OH WELL 6-246 and H17 will do just fine They will while away the hours together. Lets see here Orange paint to the left Red to the right HHMMM unlimited possibilities coming my way


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2011
machine fitter/fabricator
I spent 10 years at Pacific.The bulk of my time was in the off road division.I took part in the assembly of over 50 P-16's.Spent some time on BP's super truck and its 12V92T sisters along with the M&B 3412 trucks, the list goes on.....yet I sit here thinking....I know more about the last HDX built than I know about the last P-16 built...
I have yet to see her.....but I will

Blk prince

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2014
Ladysmith bc canada
Truck driver semi retired
HDX,what can you tell me about your new seat? Good shape,been looked after? What about Glen Baird and big snorkel? Staying or not? When 40-87 sank my decision was easy but you still have a spot. Now do you want to put much time into bringing this truck up to par and fine tuning or just fuel.,water and go home? Happy New Year my friend. Ps,still in Prince George until Monday.

HD Mech

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2012
Campbell River, BC
Heavy duty mechanic
Sorry to hear that H17 is done working but glad that she is yours and will be well cared for. Can't wait to see her all repainted in red & white again.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
Steve, Thanks for sharing thou sure not the best of news. I can't hide my wanting to ride in and maybe get to drive H17 once again. Knowing she will always be with you is the main thing, right now. I know that H17 will taken care of and back to as close to original as possible. I cherish the time spent out there, meeting so many really good people and getting to see the real trucks, the Hayes and Pacific trucks doing what they were built for. Guess you knew it would happen one day but wanted it to continue forever. Now RCP57 Reg, you won't have as far to travel to get measurements to build a model, of one of the greatest trucks to ever haul a load of logs. It will always be in my mind to never ever be forgotten, how great I felt that day when Steve let me drive H17 up. I will see you guys next summer!


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2010
Northern Alberta
Yes, thanks for sharing your story Steve, best part of the outcome is your ride of many years is saved to be shared with others for ever. Hope to see her again as she was meant to be at the 2022 Hayes 100th show...yes?


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
Not # matching , not 1 owner , but 1 driver . A legend in its own time . H 17 has put in 20 years of good service , she deserving of a rest , a good home and a lot more TLC . Congratulation's Steve , driving a Pacific won't be that bad , knowing its to help foot the bill to restore your favourite HDX Hayes .

Sorry Steve that should be FORTY YEARS good service !


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Thanks for all the good wishes you guys. Blkprince The last load WAS put on her by Glen Baird-- L32-- Northfork 120 and yes it was up to Glen's usual HIGH standards. Worst part was we never even saw this coming.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
campbell river
Donald Sprout

Long time Kelsey Bay Division loader operator Donald Sprout passed away on Boxing Day after a lengthy illness.

Twin to Ronald who passed away earlier in 2015, Donald was a great guy in the community always around the ball fields Excellent loader operator in his day. Along with his brother real pranksters and just a downright solid man.

End of an era for sure.