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I'm violating rule 14!


Senior Member
Was just handed the new "Progressive DIsipline Policy" for my employer. I find not that I have been violating Rule 14 for several years. It says:

"14 Reporting to work with an alcohol concentration of less than .04. Random or post-accident alcohol concentratioj of less than .04."

Just to be safe I might slip out and get a beer for lunch!:tong


Senior Member
Thats funny. "Well your Honor, I was only drinking because my companies safety policies require it." Thanks for the laugh.


That's just so wrong. I know that for some employers that's almost a necessity, but if you're able to show up and function while being perfectly sober, you should be allowed to. :mad:


Senior Member
That's just so wrong. I know that for some employers that's almost a necessity, but if you're able to show up and function while being perfectly sober, you should be allowed to. :mad:

Well like we often say, "You don't have to be crazy to work here, But it sure makes the day go better!"

And to be very un-politically correct, "We are glad the company hires the mentally handicapped, But why do they all get upper management positions?"


Senior Member
One place I worked, an operator got fired for using drugs. The owner said he had proof, turned out they were doing lines of cocaine together in the owner's truck at the jobsite. Proof.......