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Hello and applicants wanted


Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
Northern MN
What's it take to get CCO certified these days? 3 crackerjack box tops and a few weeks? Go get certified yourself and do your paperwork between picks.

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
The schools for certification aren't that hard to get through. Written and practical test, but the schools will hold your hand through both, if you have troubles testing.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
When I hear "work cheap" my mind immediately thinks I'll have to hound the boss for my paycheque. Hard pass.

I understand being paid fairly for the skills you bring but telling people you expect them to work cheap just takes away all credibility. I'd flip burgers LONG before I take a job from a company with an attitude like that.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2014
North Dakota
Farmer/ excavator
I don't really understand why some of you feel the urge to pile on with the negativity right away. Maybe take a little time to read the entire post or think about it for a moment.

So what I gather is WTX is offering a chance to start or enter into a bussiness that could be a little thin on profits right away, so maybe the top pay might not be the case at first. Just think if it works. You would be getting a 1/3-1/2 ownership in a good bussines for some sweat equity and taking a little risk.

I doubt he is looking for a grumpy 50-60 year old guy that knows it all and thinks he is worth $300k per year. Think of yourself or someone 25-30 years old, willing to put in some extra effort and grow a bussiness from nothing or very little with a guy that is willing to help you get started. maybe it works, maybe it does't, its called risk to reward. I hope he finds the right guy to make it work.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I don't really understand why some of you feel the urge to pile on with the negativity right away. Maybe take a little time to read the entire post or think about it for a moment.

So what I gather is WTX is offering a chance to start or enter into a bussiness that could be a little thin on profits right away, so maybe the top pay might not be the case at first. Just think if it works. You would be getting a 1/3-1/2 ownership in a good bussines for some sweat equity and taking a little risk.

I doubt he is looking for a grumpy 50-60 year old guy that knows it all and thinks he is worth $300k per year. Think of yourself or someone 25-30 years old, willing to put in some extra effort and grow a bussiness from nothing or very little with a guy that is willing to help you get started. maybe it works, maybe it does't, its called risk to reward. I hope he finds the right guy to make it work.
I can see your point of view, I just took issue with the way he presented the idea. Nobody wants to be told they'll need to work cheap.

If OP had simply phrased it as they're looking for someone to help operate a new business and, if successful, be offered a stake in ownership then I suspect the reception would have been much better.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
I don't really understand why some of you feel the urge to pile on with the negativity right away. Maybe take a little time to read the entire post or think about it for a moment.

So what I gather is WTX is offering a chance to start or enter into a bussiness that could be a little thin on profits right away, so maybe the top pay might not be the case at first. Just think if it works. You would be getting a 1/3-1/2 ownership in a good bussines for some sweat equity and taking a little risk.

I doubt he is looking for a grumpy 50-60 year old guy that knows it all and thinks he is worth $300k per year. Think of yourself or someone 25-30 years old, willing to put in some extra effort and grow a bussiness from nothing or very little with a guy that is willing to help you get started. maybe it works, maybe it does't, its called risk to reward. I hope he finds the right guy to make it work.
I get what your saying but he's talking about crane operation......the most dangerous piece of equipment on a job. Its also the most regulated. You can't just throw someone into a crane that doesn't have much experience. LMI'S have taken on a lot of the risks with the safety features but those parameters are usually set by the operator before each lift. One mistake in calculations can cause injury or death to multiple personnel, let alone millions of dollars in damages. No way ide have nothing but the best operator money could buy right off the bat. Hiring an operator for cheap is just insanity to me. I dam sure would not want to be working around one.

Maybe OP needs to define "cheap"?


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2014
North Dakota
Farmer/ excavator
If OP had simply phrased it as they're looking for someone to help operate a new business and, if successful, be offered a stake in ownership then I suspect the reception would have been much better.
Reread the middle of the very first post.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
Reread the middle of the very first post.
I did. They said must be willing to work cheap or bring a lot of experience to the table.

Maybe its just me but when a potential employer says they want me work cheap I envision being paid a poverty wage. I'm not opposed to taking a risk but I'm not working for $15/hr either. Bills still need to be paid.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2014
North Dakota
Farmer/ excavator
You either need to be willing to work cheap to start with or bring a lot to the table up front
The goal is for you to become 1/3 owner within 2 years.
Must be willing to relocate to Midland, Tx.
read the middle line
eveyones head exploded at the " work cheap" line. lol

I was't really aiming any one persons comments. I mostly thought it wasn't very welcoming for a new posters first post. As a team of experts and beginers in our fields we can do better.
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Senior Member
Jun 23, 2010
Northern MN
There have to be some crane operator head hunters out there.
Run an ad in the Industrial Projects Report, look into the trades magazines, call up the big schools and tell them what you're looking for.
For what its worth my very minimal experience around cranes involved rigging around 2 of those particular cranes with rookie operators. I also rigged around a half dozen other cranes bigger and smaller than that. Generally speaking if something dumb was going to happen it would be around one of those because it would be sent out to a job that should of had a bigger crane and they either wouldn't know enough to say no, or they wouldn't set up close enough and they would have to over ride the LMI. I remember an afternoon spent around one of those floating an ourigger hoping the wind didn't come up while a crew frantically cut the ears off of the crown stand for a rig derrick while others dug a hole to get it under the crown so the operator could set it down.
Big rewards come with big risk, hope things all work out.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Could be worded better. Maybe could say ground up opportunity with profit sharing and potential for ownership in the company for the right person. People are willing to start a new career path/job at less money if the potential to advance or become a part owner is highly possible. To some being even a part owner of a business is their definition of success. Could be they don't have the required money or want the problems of equipment ownership. Other's are happy being employee's without all the hassles of being a boss or owner.
It sounds like the OP is offering a great opportunity IF he does his part and provides not only the work but the tools and everything else the new hire needs to be successful. If he expects the new hire to do too much it's doomed. He also needs to step in and help when necessary. I've seen it before where someone wants to be a business owner but expects someone else to do all the work and they just sit back and collect the money. That only works with bigger companies where they have managers and can be a mostly silent partner.
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Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
One other very important thing. Never give up 50% of your business to a partner. Always keep the majority share because it gives you the majority vote if there's ever a disagreement about what direction the business should go or jobs it should take on. It's especially important if you're the one who financed the business. There are lots of 51%/49% partnerships for this reason.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Work cheap or invest half a mill,
Well in todays world with it's mega rich----a half a mill is nothing--a million is nothing--hell most
think you can't even retire unless you have 5 million and to most that's peanuts. A person is just
bilge water if they don't have half a mill, that's pocket change to the upper class, that's just the
price of a shanty in most places. according to one thread you need to be leveraged up to your
a$$ to make money, word is lenders will hand it over just to keep you from going broke.
So buy as many cranes as you can get your hands on, one just isn't enough.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
There are some (a lot of) people that don't think you're successful unless you're a millionaire. A lot of rich snobs too! There are also a lot of people quite comfortable as long as they have a nice roof over their head and can live comfortably without a lot of debt. Their only debt might be a mortgage or a vehicle payment but they make enough it's easily managed. When the "snobs" hit the hard times I don't shed a tear.