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Gear oil recommendation

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
There's a reason they specify certain oils for different components. The fact that tests Nige and co did showed significant difference through sampling should be enough reason to want to use the best lubricant rather than a good enough lubricant. No matter how simple or low speed, gear boxes still fail and pulling a swing gearbox isn't the funnest thing to do.

Tyler d4c

Senior Member
Mar 2, 2016
Salix Pa
When you have a digger worth $5m a copy it focuses the mind wonderfully about what lubricants you put into it. Personally I would do the same for one that cost $100k but maybe that's me being anal.
I try to get the right stuff for some old pile of junk I bought at a sale with a tree growing out of it.. no use trashing stuff over improper lubercans