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Finding qualified help

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
Those stories of getting something in the thirties are not the ones I heard from my dad or grandfather. Lots of tales of digging paths in the forest using thirty men to do the job of three or four. Plenty of soup kitchens to provide some kind of food for those who had no way to earn any money at all. Lots of Hoovervilles all over the country. No heath insurance, no social security, no social safety nets at all. We in our sixties have witnessed what was coming, spoken out about it and were ignored. Now the media is saying this is all new?

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
The crash of 29 was a whole different ball game, caused by a perfect storm of unregulated lending
and over production. People thought 2008 was bad-they have no idea what the Great Depression
was like. The difference between the nanny life now and 1933 is 90% were in the same boat and
everyone was starving. Many survived on nothing more than milk/water gravy and a piece of bread
once a day. If you had a tomato to eat you were rich till it was gone. People working for 5 cents a
day-that's the truth. Malnutrition, bad hygiene and dental care, dental care was non existent.

Families were scrounging for any work that could be had to feed their children. Son's went to work
at the age of 10 and less to help feed the rest. They sold anything and everything for food.
Clothes-Most didn't have the luxury of socks and under ware. Sad part is there were manufactures
of clothes that discarded ton's and tons of clothes in landfills because of over manufacturing before
and after the crash.

It's what made the Greatest Generation--great. They pulled together and brought themselves up
from nothing, because they really couldn't get much lower they had bottomed out the way forward
was up with a lot of hard work. They still had some pride.

Pride and self esteem is a necessary ingredient in ones life, without it--one is aimless.

My own saying {A mans success in life is not deemed by how many presidents are in his wallet or bank
account but by the work he pridefully accomplished}.



Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Grandparents, their sibs, my parents uncles and aunts were those people. Family came first regardless what was going south, livestock was for food production, HUGE gardens abounded, ate what you had, bought very little other than staples as Salt, Pepper, Coffee when Chicory weed was out of season, Flour and Sugar.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
My help dragged up a couple of days before my vacation, and the replacement guy I got was truly bottom of the barrel. He made it a week after I was gone, and then he really did it bad, he did not quit on Friday, so the rented an excavator and had it delivered to a job Monday and he called in at 5:30 AM and left them hanging. Hard to find help indeed.


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2011
Aberdeen Wa.
Gyppo tower logger
I hired a Hispanic rigging crew and really thought I had hit a home run. They came to work one morning looked at the big tower and how far out we were going to be hanging and said they didn't like it up there and they left. Talk about f**k me raw.

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
My help dragged up a couple of days before my vacation, and the replacement guy I got was truly bottom of the barrel. He made it a week after I was gone, and then he really did it bad, he did not quit on Friday, so the rented an excavator and had it delivered to a job Monday and he called in at 5:30 AM and left them hanging. Hard to find help indeed.

Don't like to hear that but it is all too common now days.

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
I hired a Hispanic rigging crew and really thought I had hit a home run. They came to work one morning looked at the big tower and how far out we were going to be hanging and said they didn't like it up there and they left. Talk about f**k me raw.

I can't like reading that post either. The woods are hard enough with a good crew.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2011
The South
Those stories of getting something in the thirties are not the ones I heard from my dad or grandfather. Lots of tales of digging paths in the forest using thirty men to do the job of three or four. Plenty of soup kitchens to provide some kind of food for those who had no way to earn any money at all. Lots of Hoovervilles all over the country. No heath insurance, no social security, no social safety nets at all. We in our sixties have witnessed what was coming, spoken out about it and were ignored. Now the media is saying this is all new?

the response you get when you bring up these concerns is that “on another Great Depression is impossible the government made sure of that!”

Some days I wish I was a complete moron like these idiots so I wouldn’t feel the pain of hearing the outright stupidity that comes out of their mouths.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Current Game is afoot; School Bus, City supplied Trash Recovery, City Streets Departments are wising up to. The Ne'er-do-wells that Will hire on and pass enough testing to maintain a month or two of payroll slip the dogs and quit, attempting to receive UI or other Unemployment benefits, many are finding the Employing municipalities are DECLINING the UI if they even close to qualify to begin with. They repeat the game in other locales as cannot get rehired at recently quit position with the poor record, for now, so repeat the same circumstances and will run short of options.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Nothing Human designed can "Stop" a depression, the lesson will be Hard Learned.

National debt 30.7 trillion
Personal debt owed 16.2 trillion nationally
50% have less that a $1,000 at hand in personal account.
Ages 10 to 18 haven't read a book in the last 4 years.
Ages 19 to 49 haven't read a book in the last 7 years.
The U.S. ranks 24th in the 25 industrial nations when it comes to literacy.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Today was a odd day for me, I stood and took a ass whipping from a driver. The story.

On Sunday morning early I had one of our new W900's to service. The truck hadn't been in for a month
which is normal {every 10,000}. I noticed the left steer tire was worn on the shoulder, down to secondary
rubber. I just happen to have a mounted runout, same tire brand that I took off one of the other new
Kenworth's that matched perfectly with the right side plus the wheel was in nice condition which I went
out of the way and polished before installing.
Two weeks before the boss paid for a wheel polishing outfit to come polish the whole truck so that driver
could take it to a truck show, $1,400 it cost. The truck was leaving Monday morning and the cost to
have the tire moved on to the polished wheel and spun balanced would have cost 50 for dismount/mount
and a 200 call out fee plus 25 to balance.
I told the boss what I done and the reason behind it. Boss said he was ok with that, but I also told him
to prepare for a blow up with the driver. He is not going to like what I did.
Well the driver never left Monday he left this noon {he was sick}. When he showed up he blew a cork
because he didn't have a polished wheel. Called me everything in the book and it was his wheel and his
truck. Told me to f off and shut the f up, I hadn't even said anything. He flew over to the office screaming
his butt off that I wasn't to touch his truck again. I don't know exactly what transpired in the office
but a dispatcher told me it wasn't good.

I just don't need the stress-I'm tired worn out sick of dealing with these people. Absolutely a rotten day.

But I'm asking you folks-did I handle that right-by just taking his crap?