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Anybody Experience with Shantui Dozers


Senior Member
Just to add to this.....this machine is located in a Shantui dealership in Azerbaijan......they're more widespread than people will believe



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Senior Member
Accuss me of being from any place you like. I have been to china, done work there is steel mills they are trying to build and operate and have seen it first hand as well as what they ship here. Somebody else said that the stuff they send here meets out standards and they keep the junk at home. I beg to differ. I have seen and experienced first hand from steel, pipe fittings castings, hydraulic components etc. The list goes on and on. It is substand junk!!!! If a supplier made it like that here and shipped it to the customer it would go back so fast it would make your head spin. When it comes from half way around the world away and can't be returned or the chinese who made it won't give credit for it you are stuck with it pure and simple.


Senior Member
Accuss me of being from any place you like. I have been to china, done work there is steel mills they are trying to build and operate and have seen it first hand as well as what they ship here. Somebody else said that the stuff they send here meets out standards and they keep the junk at home. I beg to differ. I have seen and experienced first hand from steel, pipe fittings castings, hydraulic components etc. The list goes on and on. It is substand junk!!!! If a supplier made it like that here and shipped it to the customer it would go back so fast it would make your head spin. When it comes from half way around the world away and can't be returned or the Chinese who made it won't give credit for it you are stuck with it pure and simple.

Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy?Now that all these new pipelines going in have made in China Pipe.:eek:
I had a Company tell me they could buy pipe overseas,have it shipped by sea to the port then by truck or rail to the yard cheaper than buying it here.

Cat Wrench

Well-Known Member
One time I ate some pickled eggs that had been around a little too long, gave me really bad gas, I was going to discreetly release a little bit and whamm right there in my pants a little "Shantui" appeared.

Seriously, why would anyone buy a machine that will cost them more in the long run (parts and service)? These remind me of the junk chinese motorcycles and ATV's. Buy one of them for your kid and watch the disappointment on his face when you can't get it fixed.
Only difference between them and these are with these most people that buy them are going to be "trying" to make a living with them. Not a good investment in my opinion (like gambling).
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Senior Member
Thing is with economy in the tanks.People will be bidding real low.So to cut cost they will buy cheaper equipment and cut the wages.Some might make it by watching their P & Q's others will go under.I wonder about resale value?


New Member
Shantui reliablility.

And a few more of the swamp type (SD16L)

Now that you have had these Shantui Dozers for a while, how has their reliability been?
Have you found that the SD16 with Shangchai engine is better or worse than he SD22 with Cummins engine?
I am trying to decide whether it is worth going up asize larger than I need just to get a cummins engine.
Our jub is near Newcastle in Australia.

Neil D

Well-Known Member
anyone who has burnt their pension and walked out of a shuttered factory would disagree that the lowest price is all that matters. every dollar is a vote, and to spend a dollar on a chinese knockoff when you know it's chinese and you could have a domestic article for a dollar and change, is a vote for abolition of human rights and environmental legislation, forged safety certifications, slave labour, and all the other atrocities committed in chinese industry that make it possible for them to sell goods at the lowest price.

if i owned a landscaping or construction business in these hard times i would not dare associate myself with those business practices which are well-documented to be taking place in China when there are so many other domestically-available options (even european and japanese makes) which do not insult our way of life. Especially when i have to look my neighbors in the eye while i'm behind the wheel, some of whom have been put out of work due to outsourcing...

something to think about.

Its all very well talking about the chinese getting their act together and coming up to the same standard as the rest of the world but I have a brother who works for Sony-Erickson in silicon valley. He troubleshoots for them around the world- before christmas I was offered work in China, when he heard he was on the phone to me warning me of the pitfalls. The chinese do not want to give their money to foreigners, their business dealings are corrupt-so to make it easy for you guys who are singing the praises of Shantui remember you are by buying their product supporting this ethos. I do not buy anything thats made in China for these reasons, I will not give my hard earned pounds to a people that hate my guts and everybody else in the western world.

Neil D

Well-Known Member
Neil, where are you now? It's Brian.

Hi Brian,
I went home before xmas, my father passed away on January 13 so had to deal with all that! you remember me telling you about overseas work? that is progressing to the point of a contract being negotiated at the minute. PM me and let me know how you are getting on.

JGS Parts

Senior Member
Ok lets set this one streight Shantui is owned by Komatsu (that is why they look the same) Shantui was never set up to be exported outside of the devloping nations they sell tons of the things here in china actaully we run 28 of them and we can normally pick up 3 of them for the price of a komatsu in china and 4 for the price of a CAT and frankly you are 10 times better off doing so in china. now in saying that shantui sold outside of china is a whole nother ball game again. shantui sold in australia a australian guy got off the plane saw the cheap dozers and went well i can make a quick and easy buck on this.

well he imported a few of them sold them and disaparted and moved to the phillippines where he remains today . now the 2nd mob brocide that they would not honor any warranty or back up on the other models that where sold. also some other chinese trading companys where counter importing them and making lost of issues there also by telling the buyers that the aussie dealer would cover the warranty. but when it comes down to it at the end of the day komatsu brought shantui so they did not have to open a factory in china building dozers and could get a peace of the pie in the biggest machinery market in the world. cat faild at this terrible with there K models they released in china turned out for every 3 they sold 2 where exported out of china by chinese trading companys. so cat ened that.

JGS Parts

Senior Member
Also i would never get the Shanghai desiel engine it is a copy of CAT engines CAT about 8 years ago got them to make some engines and then shanghai desiel just decied to go at it alone and they are crap get the cummins even if it is built in china by defong cummins it is still coved by cummins world wide warranty and the copy cat engines are only 80% interchangeable with the cats dont belive the sales guys been there done that.


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Senior Member
Well some one has to make you earn your title Atco................................
will start using the triangle as well though...............................................