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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2010
Sunny South Carolina
Master Inj.Pump rebuilder
He was just giving the speedy dry time to work.. lay off..(lol)
This train wreck is just to dam good to look away from..
I feel for ya..
I’ve got a story just like it but I don’t wanna hijack the thread..
And besides, it’ll trigger some bad thoughts..


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
South, Alabama USA
Fleet Manager On My Island Of Misfit Toys
Vetech it amazes me looking back a bit, that with the company continuing to hire people like LMM and Paul Blart the mall manager that not too long ago you were giving even one second of thought to going on payroll with these clowns. Especially with the father’s involvement in the company winding down. No way. If anything hire on a helper or two under your company and at your direction.

nicky 68a

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
I’d given the benefit of the doubt to your new helper LMM.I’d allready figured he was a potential steady plodder at best,but that may have suited you Vtech.
Clearly I was very wrong,that mess he left behind,especially when you asked him to clear it up,tells a much deeper story about the man,his personality,his capabilities and his potential to cause serious accidents.
I was wrong about him.
He’s dangerous.

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Good thing you guys don't come around my shop, I'd be fired in a heart beat. I've always got a mess of oil, antifreeze and oil dri. I try, but I'm a pig.

I will say this place has helped, in that I feel shame over my situation at times, and do better about cleaning up. But I guarantee my bench right now, is covered in cardboard boxes and disassembled parts.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Maybe I'm too old fashioned for these younger people now days. Maybe I expect too much from them. Maybe I am too OCD for most people's taste. Maybe I've turned into one of them old curmudgeons like TS :p .

I was raised that how you do your work is a reflection of you. Do a great job to the best of your ability and leave the job as clean.........or cleaner than when you found it. Pick up after yourself in respect for the next person that may need that space. Listen to those with more experience and keep your mouth shut and learn. Don't put something off that you can accomplish right now.

I thought I might be a decent trainer in this field someday. Now, I'm not sure I could handle it with these young people. I'm afraid they would have me seeking a building to jump from.


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2019
New Hampshire
Maybe I'm too old fashioned for these younger people now days. Maybe I expect too much from them. Maybe I am too OCD for most people's taste. Maybe I've turned into one of them old curmudgeons like TS :p .

I was raised that how you do your work is a reflection of you. Do a great job to the best of your ability and leave the job as clean.........or cleaner than when you found it. Pick up after yourself in respect for the next person that may need that space. Listen to those with more experience and keep your mouth shut and learn. Don't put something off that you can accomplish right now.

I thought I might be a decent trainer in this field someday. Now, I'm not sure I could handle it with these young people. I'm afraid they would have me seeking a building to jump from.
Growing up, my family owned a pile driving and dock building business. My brother and I have always been mechanicly inclined........go carts, mini bikes, tearing apart engines and figuring it out. I think at 13 or 14 we were using the tractor trailers as go carts. Summer breaks from school were spent at the office out in the yard. Scrubbing boiler tubes out, scraping and painting the booms and the cabs on the cranes, painting the pile driving leads.
We had my uncles and my surrogate 'uncles' watching over us. I remember telling one of my 'surrogate' uncles I wanted to learn how to run a crane. He went and grabbed a 5G pail of grease with a grease pump. He pointed to one of the cranes........it was a Lima 803.........go find all the grease fittings and grease it. When your done come back and I'll show all the ones you missed.
I learned a TON from those guys. They took the time to teach me how to do it. Sometimes I'd get a SMACK upside the back of my head when I screwed up. And I definitely wanted to learn.........and gave them the respect they deserved. I went off to college for civil engineering, the company went out of business from family fighting. I've worked for 3 heavy highway companies as an engineer. 1st company went bankrupt, other 2 I was laid off. After that I went into business for myself doing what I could BY MYSELF.........turning wrenches and fixing heavy equipment.

My uncles and my father taking the time to show me, teach me, is how I got to here.

The damn shame of it is, we can't just download the lifetime of info people learned over the journey of their lifetime. It's up to us to learn what we want. We're all born into the world knowing the same thing......nothing.

There are people out there that want to learn, to do it better, want to improve. Where are they?? I have no idea...........I'm looking myself. I just know that alot of people took the time to teach me.........so try not to give up Vtech. I'm sure you have a few people who you remember taking the time to teach you.


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2016
What some people don’t realize that a lot of employees nowadays have fetal alcohol syndrome and their brains are not ‘wired’ like a normal person’s. They can be hard to work with and train and get into trouble. There’s only so much you can do with them.

digger doug

Senior Member
Nov 2, 2011
NW Pennsylvania
Thrash-A-Matic designer
What some people don’t realize that a lot of employees nowadays have fetal alcohol syndrome and their brains are not ‘wired’ like a normal person’s. They can be hard to work with and train and get into trouble. There’s only so much you can do with them.
So we should allow them to mess up, screw up, and injure others with a free pass ?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
West TN
eatin' trees, poopin' chips
My $0.02 (or $5 in B**enomics) : This assinine rule of "No child left behind" and a "participation trophy" society has put us in a steep rate of social decline.

My wife, as an elementary school teacher, can NOT fail any students, no matter how little work that they perform. These kids that refuse to apply themselves are pushed along to the next grade regardless of their performance. Unruly students get treated with kid gloves and don't suffer any negative consequences for poor behavior. The result is a society of ignorant, lazy people with no work ethic that become dependents of the system to provide their needs. Just like the courts of justice these days, there are no consequences for poor judgement, no reasonable punishments and no consequences. And each year, it gets worse as the coddled generation produces the next generation of useless crybabies.

Now, is there any real wonder why businesses can't find qualified help and standards keep sliding downhill? Everything starts with education. Destroy that and you can destroy a country in a few generations.

Who would have thought that Idiocracy was the foretelling of our future? Sadly, we are well on our way.