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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Man, I've had it already. I told this guy to clean up that shop before he went anywhere.............what does he do? 1 hour after I told him, he leaves in the truck.
After telling me he would clean up.......this is what I found when he left. He didn't do anything. I'm done with him............only took 2 weeks.

I'm sorry but there is just NO excuse for this. I will NOT clean up after a 44-year-old supposed mechanic. I'm not his mother. He has been setting my OCD off for the last 2 weeks and I am getting irate at this point...........it's just not worth it to me.

So...........I will NO longer do shop work here. If he wants to trash the place, go right ahead. I refuse to work in it. I am back on strictly field work and that is only if he isn't involved with me in any way. I'll be cordial but outside of that I'm done.

This is just disrespectful to me and the company and unacceptable.


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2019
New Hampshire
What was the dressed weight on the deer ?
looks like he gutted it right there....
Those are the intestines.........right?? Maybe he's going to use those for saugage casing??
My WIFE LOVES IT when I come home with grease smooshed into the tread of my boots........this is why I have BOOT brushes fore and aft at the house.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
That's got to be a pretty small shop that the loader barely clears the door. The only time I've seen a mess of grease like that is at the trailer shop. They have a lever action greaser for doing wheel bearings so the handle and immediate area gets grease on it. It's confined to the 1 area though and they clean it up so it doesn't track through the whole shop. Who ever does the greasing wears gloves and throws them out when they're finished.

It is kind of unfathomable that someone would leave a pile of grease like that on a truck they drive. I'm not sure if someone that leaves a mess like that could ever smarten up. It certainly doesn't show any pride in your work or respect to your employer or other employee's/workers like Vetech. It makes you look like you just don't care. No excuse for it either and you said he's 44? Yikes!

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I figured it out. The LMM thought you open a tube of grease like it's Pillsbury crescent rolls.
I wonder if he has some developmental issues or a partial disability? Most people would clean up a mess like that. A lot of blame also has to go to Alan or whoever else hired him. Vetech definitely should have been involved in the interview and hiring process. I can see Vetech saying f%$#! it and just packing up and leaving in the very near future if things don't make a drastic improvement.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2012
Central New York, USA
Retired Mechanic in Stone Quarry

Am I missing it or was he working under that boom with no supports? And even if he was not at that point working on it why was the boom left up and unsupported? Looks like there is some blocking available right next to the machine.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
My my my----the anger of the audience, tomatoes, rotten eggs & dirty diapers being
thrown at poor LMM. As HEF members chase the Frankenstein Monster {LMM} across the
roof tops.
Nothing shocking here---this same scenario played out in just about every type of business
workplace across the country many, many times today.
Now you know why I worked 7 days a week---it takes less energy and less stress not
having to deal with people.
Oh if your not going to use those wood blocks--I need some for the tow truck.:)
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Senior Member
Feb 25, 2017
java center ny
big truck wrench/fixer of things
Wonder what he could do with a can of View attachment 310208 ?
Cousin scored free burn barrel from the bone yard and decided to power wash said barrel before burning to reduce the smoke and smell because his honey didn't like it. Turns out it was a never seize barrel :D we all know the rest of that story, think his honey even got some on her nether regions. Another good story involves a cat I got a job as a casual in the shop at CF, one of the dip$hits on the dock poked a hole in a drum of Levi's indigo ink for coloring jeans. Trailer was parked in the wash/steam bay to contain the spill. My buddy came in on the midnight shift and had to wash a truck for PM, decided to steam out the trailer first......poor feller looked like a smurf for at least a month, shaved off a pretty impressive goatee as well to lessen the smurfness. Got laughed at so bad he quit coming back.