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Caterpillar 18M Grader


Senior Member
I have to agree. I miss the metal non rattling cab parts. One of our 10t's has 45k hours and the plastic don't last in the cab and it's really hard to get dirt out of the textured plastic. The 10r is easier to clean. Don't get me wrong the new cabs are nice but just don't last.

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Randy Krieg

Senior Member
I missed this the first time, but never let a chance go by to stick it to the Aussies.

WTF are you whinging for..? It was YOU FCUKERS who started all this SH1T .... everything without exception that corresponds to the sh1tty end of the stick mining-wise originally came from Oz, so try looking in the mirror once in a while when you're asking those questions. What you fcukers started everyone else in the world now has to put up with. Happy now...??

I would just like to add that the posting/comments being referred to here are exactly my reasons for not posting on this forum much anymore. When I first read the comments nearly 2 years ago I had the same thought since the platforms were originally referred to as the “Australian Package” and yet here we had an Australian forum member bashing them and telling us how foolish the platforms were. It was Australia’s and Europe’s regulations that drove the design of these platforms! Caterpillar and the other manufactures are designing and building to meet the Government Regulations. Just to change the angle of the grating on the platform so the operator could see through it better had to be approved by the stinking government.
Whether it’s good or bad much of the content you see on today’s machines is driven solely by Government Regulations. IMO the “Tier IV Final” regulations are creating more environmental issues than they’ve solved, but all the manufactures were forced to comply with Tier I, II, III,IV & IV Final if they wanted to sell their products in those markets. Those of us that bought stock early on in the DEF companies are smiling, but if polluting billions of gallons of water each day by mixing it with ammonia is the answer to our environmental issues than I missed something along the way. Isn’t that a violation of the “Clean Water Act”?
Remember when the U.S. Government forced McDonalds to quit using Styrofoam containers because too many were ending up in landfills. How many plastic DEF containers are ending up in landfills now even though they are recyclable? How many Tier IV Final mufflers will end up in landfills even though they are supposed to be rebuildable (cleaned)?
Anytime you grade a gravel road with a motor grader you are causing siltation since you are disturbing the ground. When it rains if any of that siltation gets in the ditches and those ditches lead to what the U.S. defines as a “Navigable Water Way” than you are in violation of the “Clean Water Act. 15 years in prison and $15,000.00 fines! There are valleys at the Proving Ground that are classified by the U.S. Government as navigable water ways even though there isn’t one ounce of water in them at this time.
Best Regards, Randy Krieg
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Senior Member
Good hard hit to a manhole or a hidden object in a snowbank takes the dust out
Very True!!! ;)
I would just like to add that the posting/comments being referred to here are exactly my reasons for not posting on this forum much anymore. When I first read the comments nearly 2 years ago I had the same thought since the platforms were originally referred to as the “Australian Package” and yet here we had an Australian forum member bashing them and telling us how foolish the platforms were. It was Australia’s and Europe’s regulations that drove the design of these platforms! Caterpillar and the other manufactures are designing and building to meet the Government Regulations. Just to change the angle of the grating on the platform so the operator could see through it better had to be approved by the stinking government.
Whether it’s good or bad much of the content you see on today’s machines is driven solely by Government Regulations. IMO the “Tier IV Final” regulations are creating more environmental issues than they’ve solved, but all the manufactures were forced to comply with Tier I, II, III,IV & IV Final if they wanted to sell their products in those markets. Those of us that bought stock early on in the DEF companies are smiling, but if polluting billions of gallons of water each day by mixing it with ammonia is the answer to our environmental issues than I missed something along the way. Isn’t that a violation of the “Clean Water Act”?
Remember when the U.S. Government forced McDonalds to quit using Styrofoam containers because too many were ending up in landfills. How many plastic DEF containers are ending up in landfills now even though they are recyclable? How many Tier IV Final mufflers will end up in landfills even though they are supposed to be rebuildable (cleaned)?
Anytime you grade a gravel road with a motor grader you are causing siltation since you are disturbing the ground. When it rains if any of that siltation gets in the ditches and those ditches lead to what the U.S. defines as a “Navigable Water Way” than you are in violation of the “Clean Water Act. 15 years in prison and $15,000.00 fines! There are valleys at the Proving Ground that are classified by the U.S. Government as navigable water ways even though there isn’t one ounce of water in them at this time.
Best Regards, Randy Krieg

I noticed you weren't on here much- sad to hear that is why. Some of these interconnected systems and new emissions standards drive me batty, but I realize that's mandated, and something you guy probably hate even more. Thanks for your help.


Senior Member
Electronic BS is mandated by the so called enviros. Most safety features started and become mandated because some incompetent or half asleep operator got hurt and blamed everybody else for his mistake and sued for a few million. Easier for the manufacturers to add the stuff and pass on the increase of the price than it is to resist. All manufacturers have to do it so the competitiveness remains the same.