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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
The LMM should have consulted with someone BUT if he was just thrown into the fire with no direction or guidance on how to proceed with repairs it's not entirely all his fault. Maybe he was just told to get the machine running? This is the exact reason Vetech should be his immediate supervisor and has the final say on how to proceed with repairs. LMM may have thought it was the best or easiest way to fix a machine in the field.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Alan or the general super have no clue what is involved here. If either authorized this purchase it would surprise me......they have checked with me on EVERY single major thing up to this.
My old employer really didn't/doesn't know much mechanical wise. Even though I had authority
to buy 300 tires at a whack didn't negate me from telling him what's going on. Because I had to
keep in mind accounts receivable does fluctuate and sometimes revenue can get tight.


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2019
New Hampshire
MM (alan) + LMM = HNC!!!


I can truly empathize what your going through today. I've showed up on a Saturday to get **** done, unencumbered by distractions and people pulling me in different directions. I can relate to this......I believe that was your goal......make some progress........alone and undisturbed.
And then you find this........kinda takes the wind right out of your sales. Then you talk with JD parts guy who was involved with this and get the unfiltered version from their end (nice find, btw).
Good luck.......don't let this ruin your weekend!!
Hey.......you didn't happen to stop at the liquor store on the way home, did you?? :D I'd bet you did!!

Check Break

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2012
Here is what I know as fact on this.

Alan called LMM to go look at this loader in the field.......FACT.
I don't hear anything from LMM til the next day when he tells me this machine needs a new axle........FACT.
I tell him it needs to come to the shop.......FACT.
He tells me Deere is having trouble finding the parts.......FACT.
LMM tells me Alan and the General super has to authorize his parts purchases.......Fact.
I drive in this morning and find a new rebuild complete diff assembly.....Fact.
The machine is still in the field and not at the yard or shop.....Fact.
LMM told me it is not tore down.....Fact.
LMM told me early in the week that he had never been into major components but would like to learn.....FACT.

IF someone authorized this purchase then they are a complete idiot. I won't know until Monday morning.

I called Deere while I was standing there staring at this axle. The parts guy that helped with looking it up was the one answering the phone. He told me that Deere has never looked at the machine and that LMM is the one that told them it needed a complete axle. He also said he didn't know that LMM was not authorized to make those type of purchases but assumed since it was this company thy needed it now. No one from the company has talked with them..........all LMM.

All I know is I'm irritated at the complete stupidity here. I'm just dumbfounded! Someone is going to look like a complete moron when this machine shows up at the shop and I point out that it has a problem on one side and that at this point in time......replacing the entire axle is just stupid unless the entire thing is trashed. We don't have Xray vision. We know little to nothing about what the actual problem is and whether it can be repaired.

I may be wrong but I think LMM did this on his own. Alan or the general super have no clue what is involved here. If either authorized this purchase it would surprise me......they have checked with me on EVERY single major thing up to this.

I will get the details on Monday.
There's a reasonable chance you're going to show up to work one day and find out he's your new boss.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
This last Friday I had decided to help the wife with some of her machine work. Screw the other company...needed a break, LMM can handle it right?

It was just me and my youngest granddaughter that wants to always be by my side. All day play between part runs. We played some hide and seek, just doing kid stuff.

Do you know how distracting it is when you are running a mill and their is a young one spinning around in a chair and flopping around on the floor right next to you? I didn't care, was a fantastic day! Wish I had many more of them.
I'd rather do this fulltime than repair equipment.


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2016
Delton, Michigan
I'd rather do this fulltime than repair equipment.
I bet the wife would you hire you on the spot. Full time machinist and day care center? Win-win for her. Lol

My dad has retired from building and now picks up my kids every day from school. He watches them until my wife or I get out of work. For not being a 'kid person', he has found a lot of enjoyment in being around the grandkids and spending time with them. And the kids think he's pretty cool too.


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
Self employed Heavy duty mechanic
If I’d have known grandkids would be so much fun I’d have had them first. So the saying goes.
We are lucky to have our grandkids close to us. I get to teach them all kinds of silly things and then send them home! So I can rest.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
The place I work part time got sold out. They won't take over till July . Its been up to me to decide what to do and spend I don't like it much but its worked. They have already hired a guy to run the place where the shop is . This could be a good thing I don't mind ordering parts that we have to have but sometimes I think what should I do like one of the trucks needs a new floor mat and its close to a grand from the dealer? One of the walk behind trenchers needs new rims the dealer wants $500.00. I may be able to find some used ones for almost free but I will have to drive around looking ? If I have someone to ask and its up to him that will be good. I am not afraid to lose this job but I guess I care too much .


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2010
Sunny South Carolina
Master Inj.Pump rebuilder
U wanna talk about living grandkids.!!
My wife’s niece and her hubby (25 yr old) decided to move down South from NYC.. She’s a school teacher and he worked a ground crew fueling airplanes..
BOTH now have jobs..& bought a house..but haven’t moved yet.
The wife’s sister and hubby couldn’t stand the thought of not watching the babies grow up (3) that they came down on a visit and bought a friggin house.!! SO NOW, the whole clan is gonna be here.!!
U wanna talk about “apron strings”..