We've used Barber-Green pavers all throughout the 80s and a part of the 90s then we switched to Caterpillar with the buy out of Barber-Green but we've always used the Extend-A-Mat screeds because of the quality mat they laid and how ridged they were. I also want to say we've always purchased Caterpillar equipment and for the most part have always had a good experience and loved the machines and I still have a few million dollars in newer Cat iron in the yard today. However, having said that we bought a new 1055 last year with a new Extend-A-Mat 10-20 electric screed and have nothing but problems with it and Caterpillar is letting the local sales people (Michigan CAT/ Macallister CAT) and the corporate lawyers deal with the issue, which they're dragging their feet and trying to say the machine is operating within Caterpillars acceptable tolerances, all the while I'm stuck with a machine that is un-usable. So they monkey with it from time to time and this is what they say is acceptable in the pictures below. Please don't get me wrong the tractor is great, but I think the screed wasn't seated in the jig the right way when they welded it together. Every time they "fix" it the same thing happens it paves fine for 50 feet they a loud bang and the extensions start moving all over the place (vertically), please let me know what you guys think, I'm at wits end here, and thinking I should have bought a Roadtec with an Eagle screed, but this is our 10th or so CAT and we haven't really had any other problems until now. I personally think I'm caught in the middle of the lawyers bilking Caterpillar for billable hours, all while I loose money with a machine I can't use and people that have to sit home. Hopefully some of the higher ups at Cat read the board.