Senior Member
Well said John!
A general quote is - The boss pays the employee just enough so he won't quit. The employee gives just enough that he won't get fired.
You guys are hitting very close to home. I like my job pretty well, but I trade probably 30-40% more salary for a very nice work environment. A lot of us understand that but some do not.
And here it is. The root of this entire discuss. Perspective. If bosses didn't abuse this right, and employees actually would get fired for not being productive enough, there wouldn't be anything to haggle over.A general quote is - The boss pays the employee just enough so he won't quit. The employee gives just enough that he won't get fired.
like everything, respect HAS to be EARNED. Both sides.
That pretty much sums it up.
The rest is just human nature and humans in general disappoint. Too bad dogs don't have opposable thumbs and could run equipment..
And here it is. The root of this entire discuss. Perspective. If bosses didn't abuse this right, and employees actually would get fired for not being productive enough, there wouldn't be anything to haggle over.
But, according to every owner in the world, he's already paying more than he should be to the help, and every employee thinks they are overworked and underpaid.
And, to answer your question, John, I have been on all sides of this as well. Grew up in a family business. For 14 years I had to find work to do in the winter to survive because my father believed that $10k a year from him was enough to keep me there in 2010. I was loyal to a fault to my employers, and was rewarded well for it. I saw and listened to firsthand the type of employees that seem to be the majority today. Gripe, gripe, gripe all day long about how so-and-so makes this much and how management doesn't care about the employees and all the owner cares about is getting his new Camaro and going to Arizona every winter and blah, blah, blah. Just shut up and do your job. That kind of attitude is a cancer for the good ones, BOTH SIDES. The boss gets tired of the crybabies, thinks all workers are the same, and the good workers get soured one of two ways:either they become a rotten employee as well, or they move on to a different job to get away from the bullsh!t. It's a vicious circle that has gotten bigger and bigger, so big that there is almost no escaping it. Now I am an owner, who pays employees, but still works with/for the man that made it possible for me to become a boss. We share employees, and sometimes I'm managing jobs in his operation, and sometimes he's helping me in mine.
What it comes down to is respect. If the boss respects the employees enough, they will get paid enough, and treated excellent. If the employee respects the boss enough, they won't need these rules because they won't matter. But, like everything, respect HAS to be EARNED. Both sides.
I’ve been both side of the fence and I’m not convinced through my own experience that I could work for or employ someone without some degree of loyalty. There’s no way I could treat an employee with the mindset of “it just business” say for example my workers wife gets sick, whatever scenario you can think of. I’ll just get rid of him like that old loader with the damaged trans cause it doesn’t make sense to fix it? It’s just not that simple. I only have experience in family run businesses, I can see your point perhaps if I was working for a corporate company.I am a good employee for the most part and I will do the job I am hired to do. But any company or owner that thinks I should be loyal to them and stick around because they treat me well. Is sadly mistaken. I owe you nothing but a job well done. Like I said before. This isn't personal it business and my needs come first. Just the same way any company or business owners run their business.