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RBX bankruptcy, Paccar downtime

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Basically the same, although my main familiarity is DD15-16. Water pumps in two varieties,
standard and magnetic drive, you will never be into it for oil pump. starter is same, best to
stick with MBI Oem, cables fit up better. Most important--keep dryer cartridge changed out.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2008
SW Vermont
Did deere have anything to do with the s60?
Early on, it was said that Deere supplied some cast iron components for series 60. It was mentioned on Ag Talk, so when I got a chance I looked at a couple of engines, and sure enough, on the side of the block there was a JD logo near the casting number. That was a long time ago, and I don’t know if that proves anything, but Uncle John has always had a good reputation for the quality of their foundry’s work. I’d bet that has changed by now, They had developed some 13 litre and bigger engines for their choppers and combines, etc, so there may have some some other connections.