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Overload of the Day

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
Wish I had pictures. I have a neighbor wanted Black Locust poles 14' long. My friend found some, cut them & delivered. They were about 18" diameter big end. He delivered 5 in a four cylinder Ford Ranger with 6' box.
My personal record was a 28' Basswood log in a 1956 Power Wagon with 8' bed. About 20' sticking out the back, made steering quite light!
On another occasion Seth & I transplanted a Sugar Maple. With a bundled 9' Diameter root ball it was 53' long on the 24' trailer. Tail swing was a challenge! That was 15 years ago. Tree is still alive but it got some bug leaves a ring around the trunk. Some Maple survive this, others don't.
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Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
He's driving the skid steer to load up at the all you can eat buffet. The fire dept. is standing by with the Jaws of Life to get him out of the skid steer. Unfortunately the coroner is also standing by.