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New guy from New Orleans


New Member
Sep 30, 2021
New Orleans, LA
Got tired of hustling for others to get rich off of my grit so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity provided by Hurricane Ida (not trying to offend anyone who got hit by the storm because I took personal damages from it as well). I've done tree cutting/ removal work several times throughout my life and have used skid steers while doing so but this time around instead of renting a skid I decided to buy a used machine and a dump trailer, pick up some storm cleanup work to get cash flow and start prepping for my contractor's license when the storm work dries up. The long term plan is to acquire my license and get into grading, pile driving, land clearing, possibly demo and add machines to the arsenal piece by piece. I've got a pretty good connection to the commercial landscaping industry and the construction industry where I live so I feel cautiously optimistic about my opportunities.

The biggest learning curve for me is going to be figuring out how to properly quote jobs. For the foreseeable future I'll only be doing skid steer work, hauling debris with with a general purpose bucket and a grapple bucket. For storm clean up, we are charging strictly by the yard or by the ton but for regular, non-disaster cleanup projects, do you guys charge operator fees, day rates for the machine, mileage for hauling the machine, and dump fees by the ton/ yard? I realize that I am asking very pointed questions here and apologize but I figured next to getting this type of info from the competition, this place would be as good as any to start.

Aside from all that, I'm looking forward to learning a lot based on many of the threads that I have gone through since joining the forum. Ton of knowledge here and everyone seems to be pretty laid back and open to sharing ideas. Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2016
Equipment Mechanic
Welcome to HEF Seadonist;)!

I can't help you with your questions, but there are plenty here who can.