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IR SD70D issues


New Member
Dec 5, 2024
First time posting here so here goes. I have a IR SD70D that has a hard time climbing any inclines/hills. Some troubleshooting that I've done so far is. Check pressures at both drive motors (they are in parallel with each other) got 6,xxx psi spec is 6k per the book I have. All hydraulic filters have been replaced as well as a full service. While running the roller on a road project we are on the drum will spin on any incline and not pull it forward as if the rear drive isn't doing anything. With the roller off the ground on jacks the drum and rear wheels will turn as they should. From what I was told this machine is for flat surfaces only. I don't particularly believe that this machine can't pull its self up a incline.

I have a flow meter but have yet to flow the pump yet. I'll be doing that next. Any input/advice is appreciated 1000005687.jpg


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2016
Equipment Mechanic
Welcome to HEF Mauilron;)!

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe on a parallel system, once the drum starts slipping, it robs oil from the axle (path of least resistance), so, you lose drive power to the wheels. The hydraulic schematic does not show anything in it that would prevent that.

Ben Witter

Senior Member
Apr 3, 2013
On the outside
As stated the drove motors are plumbed in parallel. Once one spins out you are done, just like an open differential. There was an option for electronic anti spin control. That did help some but is limited in its capabilities and has its issues. If you have that you will have speed sensors at the drum and axle drive motors plus a controller inside the compartment behind the steps. There is a jumper that disables the system if it has faults.