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Found this part in the screen filter for the transmission on a d8t. Wondering what it could be or came from. Sometimes when tracking when cold the tracks will lock up. Any thoughts?
First off, what is the serial number of the machine? Secondly, which screen did you find that inside? The magnetic screen at the pump or the sump screen at the back of the transmission?
Its always when you go to first fire it up and use it. You put it into first gear and it won't engage or move or it will sometimes move a few feet and then lock up and stop. Seems to just do it in first gear. If you put it into second gear seems to move fine. After you fire it up and are using it then it is fine the rest of the day. Even after it sits after being used and warmed up it doesn't do it.
No recent work has been performed just regular service. The perform service on the transmission filters has come up and I have changed those out a couple times within last 1500 hrs. Machine has 13000 hrs on it.
What brand & grade of oil is in the transmission.?
At 13k hours it is probably getting a bit tired in 1st speed if it moves OK in 2nd. I take it that it does the same both forward & reverse when it's cold.?
It might be about time to put pressure gauges on the transmission when it's cold and see if there is any difference between how the 1st and 2nd speed clutches react when engaged.
Was there anything else in the suction screen apart from the spool in your photo?
Still baffled as to what it is though.......