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case TR310


New Member
Jun 28, 2024
j&l hollinger and sons
Hey guys hoping someone can help me out working on a case TR310 trying to figure out a code that I'm getting its a 3691 code, when I plug into it comes up a 1015 cluster system voltage below normal (<11.5V) checked my relays they look good battery is at 12.4 sitting running its at 14.2- 14.4 wondering if anyone else ever had this problem. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

Simon C

Senior Member
Jul 1, 2015
Rocky Mountain House , AB., Canada
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Worked on a Case TV380 quite a lot. The relay pin receivers in the relay panel had to be tightened up with a 45 Degree O-ring pick. I have 2 schematics, but yours is different. Buy a schematic from your Case dealer on PDF for less than $100.00. The accesory relay had blown a fuse 3 times on the machine. After tightening the relay pin receivers, all the problems ended. When you push in the relays you can not feel if 1 pin receiver is a little loose. A loose pin receiver will usually blow fuses or cause some total non function. Loose usually equates to heat in a connection and a blown fuse, or non operation.
They are not too nice to work on.
Simon C