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Canadian National Saftey Code Changes


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2005
Richmond BC
Excavation Contractor
I was wondering if anyone knows about the new changes that recently took effect.

I have been told if you get more than 15 points the motor vehicle branch will suspend you're number. This number is now linked to Revnue Canada, WCB and any other goverment agency that want's the information.

Also if you go to a landfill or transfer station overweight the scale operator is required by law to document and report it to the motor vehicle branch.

I got stopped at a scale for not having reflective tape on the fenders of my trailer. (The reflective tape was on the frame but not the fender) I didn’t get a ticket but the inspector would not allow me to leave the parking lot in till I put the tape on the fenders.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2006
BC, Canada
I hadnt heard anything....

Stopped for no reflective tape on the fender????? What a joke....they should spend more time pulling over the WAY overloaded homeowners who don't even try to be legal.... Did they want tape on the side of the fender? or so you could see it from behind??

Ford LT-9000

Nov 17, 2005
B.C. Canada
Rolling around in the dirt
I never heard about that more damn rules and regulations the Canadian gov't is trying to screw us that make a living with a truck or use a truck in part of our living :mad:

This NSC crap is just nothing but a money grab for the gov't.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Onoway, Alberta
Dirt Flinger
The trouble with our transport laws and regs is that they leave too much up to interpretation of the DOT officer and if and when they read a section of the regs they have have the power to shut you down until everything is up to snuff in their eyes.:bash


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2005
Richmond BC
Excavation Contractor
It's true most of the regulations are open to interpretation of the individual inspector. I think most of the random inspections are run to generate public support for the DOT.

In West Vancouver the local police and the DOT will set up on Taylor way off ramp and flag over all trucks bigger than 1 ton off highway 1. At the end of the day they will write a press release for the local papers saying something like this "after inspecting 167 trucks 70% of these trucks had safety infractions and 6 were condemned and towed to a repair facility"

They won't mention what type of safety infractions they were, like moisture in turn signal-housing, hole in the drivers seat or floor mat, burnt out dash light bulb and the list could go on. When the general public demands the politicians do something about these unsafe trucks it's an easy fix. Next time they do inspections they won't consider things like a burnt out dash light as being a safety infraction, when the next press release is issued they will praise the job they did through enforcement.

Ford LT-9000

Nov 17, 2005
B.C. Canada
Rolling around in the dirt
All I can say if the whole of the lowermainland's trucking companys stopped for a day or couple days and I mean everybody even landscapers. I think the public will soon find out when they don't have groceries or their houses are not getting completed that without trucks things come to a grinding halt.

Maybe the public should find out that those DOT inspectors make per year with their big fat pensions. If its raining you won't see them out there with roadside inspections they might get wet. Some of the inspectors I have seen are so frigging fat I don't know how they even get under a truck to check. The one truck they pass automatically is garbage trucks because they won't crawl under one.

Nailing people with ripped seats and crap that has nothing to-do with safety is a bunch of B.S. .

Why doesn't the DOT go after the trucks with the problems they know who they are but they are scared of raising the rasist thing which is what pizzes me off so bad. They pick on people that run good truck and leave the offenders be because they are scared of them :cussing
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