First off I want to introduce myself as this is my first post, and say thanks for the info I have gathered so far. I have browsed the forum and finally decided to join and see if you guys could help me some more. I am a first time equipment owner, and recently purchased a 2003 Bobcat T-250.
Purchased T250 with 1570 hours. Machine was on its second owner and has been mainly used on a farm. The day I went to look at it, it started acting up...or thats the story I received anyways. Previous owner swore he had used it the day before with zero issues. He lowered price and I took a gamble since they seemed like honest people....which is what has lead me here. When purchasing, I also discovered the deluxe display was damaged and you could not read anything on I didn't know it had low hydraulic pressure. The bucket would lift up, but wouldn't want to go back down.....and the bucket would tilt back, but not want to tilt back forward.
When purchased, the machine would fire up and run for around a minute before you get the low charge pressure codes(05-14 and 05-15). The charge pressure(according to the deluxe display that I replaced) starts out around 350-400 and slowly drops down to the shut off pressure of 150(sometimes read as low as 50 while shutting down). I had read online that a common issue is the hydraulic pressure sender, so I replaced it. The new sender still gives me the same pressure. Correct pressure according to the manual is 410-470
At this same time I also replaced the hydraulic filter(was relatively metal chunks or flakes but there are some sparkles in the fluid), and the Case Drain Filter. The case drain filter appeared to have never been removed before and was the original one. It had metal flakes in it,and a decent amount of them. The flakes were silver and I verified that there was no brass looking shavings. A key thing to mention here is that the metal case drain filter appeared to have sucked in a bit, and the end of it had come apart. There was a chunk about the size of a pencil eraser missing.
Next, I moved on to the pressure relief valve. When I pulled it out I found pieces of the case drain filter stuck between the Poppet and the seat. The poppet was also stuck in place on the shaft and would not move freely. I cleaned it up, inspected the spring, and lightly sanded the shaft so the poppet would move smoothly. There were 7 shims under the spring and I made sure to install all of them. I filled the hydraulic fluid back up to replace the fluid I lost.
When I fired it back up, the pressure seemed to be holding a bit better initially but would still drop down to 150(no longer down to 50). I fired it back up to see if maybe there was just air in the lines, and when I attempted to move the bobcat(after releasing the brake), the pressure dropped down to around 18PSI and now will not go any higher.
So now I am stuck. While I am hoping its not my pump, it is starting to look like a likely culprit. Are there any other valves that could simply be stuck open? Any inline screens or filters that could be clogged?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
First off I want to introduce myself as this is my first post, and say thanks for the info I have gathered so far. I have browsed the forum and finally decided to join and see if you guys could help me some more. I am a first time equipment owner, and recently purchased a 2003 Bobcat T-250.
Purchased T250 with 1570 hours. Machine was on its second owner and has been mainly used on a farm. The day I went to look at it, it started acting up...or thats the story I received anyways. Previous owner swore he had used it the day before with zero issues. He lowered price and I took a gamble since they seemed like honest people....which is what has lead me here. When purchasing, I also discovered the deluxe display was damaged and you could not read anything on I didn't know it had low hydraulic pressure. The bucket would lift up, but wouldn't want to go back down.....and the bucket would tilt back, but not want to tilt back forward.
When purchased, the machine would fire up and run for around a minute before you get the low charge pressure codes(05-14 and 05-15). The charge pressure(according to the deluxe display that I replaced) starts out around 350-400 and slowly drops down to the shut off pressure of 150(sometimes read as low as 50 while shutting down). I had read online that a common issue is the hydraulic pressure sender, so I replaced it. The new sender still gives me the same pressure. Correct pressure according to the manual is 410-470
At this same time I also replaced the hydraulic filter(was relatively metal chunks or flakes but there are some sparkles in the fluid), and the Case Drain Filter. The case drain filter appeared to have never been removed before and was the original one. It had metal flakes in it,and a decent amount of them. The flakes were silver and I verified that there was no brass looking shavings. A key thing to mention here is that the metal case drain filter appeared to have sucked in a bit, and the end of it had come apart. There was a chunk about the size of a pencil eraser missing.
Next, I moved on to the pressure relief valve. When I pulled it out I found pieces of the case drain filter stuck between the Poppet and the seat. The poppet was also stuck in place on the shaft and would not move freely. I cleaned it up, inspected the spring, and lightly sanded the shaft so the poppet would move smoothly. There were 7 shims under the spring and I made sure to install all of them. I filled the hydraulic fluid back up to replace the fluid I lost.
When I fired it back up, the pressure seemed to be holding a bit better initially but would still drop down to 150(no longer down to 50). I fired it back up to see if maybe there was just air in the lines, and when I attempted to move the bobcat(after releasing the brake), the pressure dropped down to around 18PSI and now will not go any higher.
So now I am stuck. While I am hoping its not my pump, it is starting to look like a likely culprit. Are there any other valves that could simply be stuck open? Any inline screens or filters that could be clogged?
Any help is greatly appreciated.