you can not go to a tire shop and have them charge your breaker, that is just stupid. I have worked on Allied, Rammer, Bobcat, Kent, Stanley,and have never seen a breaker with one accumulator that is low pressure. Ex. 1 low pressure and 1 high pressure or 1 high pressure. I just finished one and i hate filling accumulators, you never know if the valve, housing, or hose could burst, but you just have to becareful and inspect your unit as best you can. If i owned a breaker i would buy a charging kit ($200-$500) some come with a bottle and get th right manual for your model and serial number. All of Bobcats breakers are good if they are properly taken care of. The most common problem i have seen is "not storing the breaker properly" do not let them lay down. must be stored standing up to prevent damage to the lower piston seal and piston. when in operation put pressure on tool and grease every 2-4 hours. they are not hard to rebuild, if you have questions let me know. Powerwash off, Mark all parts exactly how they come apart, remove seals, clen all parts , inspect all parts rust/chips/ cracks, make sure parts that are suppose to be free are and ones that are tight are tight *KEY be sure that the piston is comepletely smooth no flaws, if so small defects can be polished out on lathe*. install seals, and assemble bottom to top using white lithium grease on all internal parts and anti-seize on most external parts. let me know if you need any parts i can possibly get them for you. i would fix it for you but you are a little out of my area, lol. questions contact me, here to help. "tire shop, Nasa should fire there mechanics and sub it out to Jiffy lube to save money, right. stay safe. 1 more thing "always discharge the accumulator valve(s) Before disassembly.