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Search results

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    Slope Meter

    i was typing the reply when you posted that, if i had read it i would have stoped and not gone any further
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    Slope Meter

    I clearly stated that i havent used a meter before........i have always gotten within a tenth without it..............and was able to stay just as productive as an 8 with gps. so as im learning this forum you have to be on a knats ass with every word you type and simply spell it out so there is...
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    Slope Meter

    Hey randy, now see ure the type of operator i loved to mess with...set in there ways, no matter what you are right and im just a young dumb kid who "thinks" i know what im doing. i aint superman, and i aint the best, if you were out this way this would be easy as i would just jump on something...
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    Slope Meter

    Yes it did, Thats because im within a tenth either way
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    Slope Meter

    Curious is to how Randy set me straight??? When you are starting a slope there are control stakes and hubs that set the top, if you know what a 2:1 or a 3,4,5:1 feels like then you dont really need someone to babysit you. As long as you have control when you start thats really all you need But...
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    Slope Meter

    Lol, When you dont have a grade checker with you 24/7 and have a ton of slope to do, i dont have time to sit and wait. 9 times out of 10 ill have a grade checker come in after me and run stakes, out here slopes are +/- 3 tenths so to hit that close is right on and i dont have to sit and wait...
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    Need opinions from my central/west TX guys

    Depending on the moisture id also recomend a 10k gal water tower. We have caliche out here and like said above we use a stiger 9380 with a 24" disc to help mix along with a 824, scrapers would be the best bet depending on how far your cut is from the fills, and hey if ya need a good scraper...
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    any local 428??

    Whats up yall, was wondering if anyone here is local 428? I live in san diego and am with local 12 right now but with the lack of work out here been thinking about moving out to arizona. Just trying to figure out if theres good work going on and stay union or drop it and go nonunion. Out here...
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    Slope Meter

    Never used a slope meter myself, Always got within +/- a tenth by eye. hoped on a 8T with gps and auto, and was able to run just as fast as going by sight
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    Hello from San Diego

    Hey everyone, Im Jason and have been an operator for about 16 years now. Honestly dont even know how i found this forum but ill go with it lol.