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Search results

  1. T

    Cat 951 id

    Ok so I got it fired back up and moved today started pushing some dirt and blew a hose. Hopefully I can find one locally. I noticed I have some diesel leaking on top of pump hard line think it's on number one. Far left in photo. Does anyone have a breakdown of the pump. Are there seals in the...
  2. T

    Cat 951 id

    I talked with cat quinn today and he specified it as a 1977 so it makes sense with the numbers in order like that he also referred it as a 951c. I just bought this baby and limped her home. I was running it today and it suddenly died and wouldn't restart. But either way I'm going to get all new...
  3. T

    Cat 951 id

    Does it specify years when we're they fitted with a 3304?
  4. T

    Cat 951 id

    Hi was wondering if I could get this decoded here also anyone got manuals in pdf? The number is a bit scratched but I think reads 951 86j4287 3v3020 3304 78p25595 2p6779