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Search results

  1. OzDozer

    1983 CAT 963, Potential Purchase. Need advice

    That 955L appears to be in quite good order, and they're a good tractor. Undercarriage is good, bucket is good, you just need to run it and see if it shows any problems such as hard starting, smoking, engine miss, or low on power. Check out the radiator core, they get sandblasted by dirt...
  2. OzDozer

    1983 CAT 963, Potential Purchase. Need advice

    The 973 is a nice machine, I drove one for a while in the mid-1990's - but they have a hydrostatic drivetrain, and they can run into BIG dollars when they need repair. For your budget, I'd look for an older Cat traxcavator, that has been well cared for, and which has more simple components in...
  3. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    Frank Lenzi was an American who lobbed up in Adelaide, South Australia, along with his brothers in the 1960's. He started trucking with a brother, and ran an International R190, then moved up into Kenworths. Frank started Cleveland Freight Lines in 1977, named after Cleveland, OH., which is...
  4. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    Ya'll starting to sound like grumpy ol' men! Sitting around coffees in the diner, bitchin' about how the whole world is going to h*** in a handbasket! You need to get out more!! :D
  5. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    It's easy enough to get used to, I've driven LHD and RHD, but the most interesting driving was driving RHD Australian Army vehicles on the right hand side of the road in Vietnam. But the real problem lies in remembering which side of the ROAD you're supposed to be on. I went to Europe about...
  6. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    You do know, that for the first decade and half of internal combustion motoring, the U.S. had all the steering wheels on the RHS? You just screwed up, after you let Henry Ford have his way with regard to steering wheel position!
  7. OzDozer

    Setting up a rear diff?

    The site below is very helpful, and says it all. Use Prussian Blue or gear marking compound to see the tooth contact pattern. You need to hold a bar of some kind against the ring gear to produce a level of resistance, whilst turning the pinion shaft, to be able to see a defined tooth pattern...
  8. OzDozer

    Drilling holes oversize in track shoes

    You both forgot to mention, the camera focussed on their silly grinning face, for 95% of the footage!!
  9. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    Didn't ya know? - the more chrome you got, and the bigger the stacks you got, the tougher and stronger the wrecker?? :D
  10. OzDozer

    Drilling holes oversize in track shoes

    We've been through all this in previous posts. The Norseman drills are perfect for the job, they are specially designed for drilling holes oversize. The shoes are all done. Bushings for the links are a dead loss, they will pound out. The later 5/8" track bolts are bigger and stronger, the...
  11. OzDozer

    Some guy has a wheel loader on his property. I need to get it started. However, I'm an absolute complete NOOB

    I still reckon this guy is yanking all your chains! Let's see the photos!
  12. OzDozer

    Drilling holes oversize in track shoes

    Well, I got another update. A mutual buddy (Steve) has been up on the Station (Ranch) helping the D4C owner, Jim - because Jim is under-staffed at the best of times. Steve sharpened the Norseman drill and laid into the track shoe drilling, and the track shoes are now all finished, and ready to...
  13. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    TS, someone needs to rework the OCR part of your SU carb diagram. I mean to say, I never knew SU's had parts such as a "Fotle jet buxterbly" or a "Floj chamm". :D
  14. OzDozer

    Draining coolant from the block

    You should be able to access the engine block cooling system drain plug easily enough, if you raise the loader arms right up, and then block them securely? I fully raise the loader arms on my 931B to work on the engine area, it's nearly impossible to work on anything around the front, with...
  15. OzDozer

    Memories for us old truckers

    Amen to that statement, TS. However, I have had quite a number of questioners on forums who were privately very grateful and thankful, for advice and information I gave them.
  16. OzDozer

    Crawlers I photo'd recently.

    Someone's been having fun, photoshopping a photo of an old Holt tractor? It almost looks like something our old trucking buddy, Ted "Swishy" Beamish would produce! Seems like "Swishy's photo album" and his clever photo touch-up work have disappeared now, though...
  17. OzDozer

    Orphan hanomag followed me home

    The old Hanomag 44D is a pretty robust machine in the drivetrain and frame construction, but I think you'll find most of the loaders problems originate in the engine. As for parts/service/information support, you're definitely out on a limb with an orphan, you'll certainly need to get...
  18. OzDozer

    Lucas Cav Fuel Injection Pump

    Below is a link to the aftermarket pump repair kit you need - but be aware that fuel injection pumps are complex construction devices with extremely fine operating clearances, and you need to have some experience with repairing them, to understand how they operate and come apart and go back...
  19. OzDozer

    Some guy has a wheel loader on his property. I need to get it started. However, I'm an absolute complete NOOB

    I tend to think AmishSlimJim is having a wonderful time, leading a bunch of you very helpful guys down a long and winding garden path. Just my .02c worth.
  20. OzDozer

    40ish HP Dozer Thoughts

    If you want to mostly do final grading and smoothing out the terrain, buy a cheap old motor grader. Even a worn one will smooth the ground out better than anything else. And you can form up road and track formations, and install ditches and runoffs to carry away excess water with a grader, far...